Wednesday, December 21, 2011

No, you're not done yet.

I hate it when someone gets so overcome with problems that they have fought through for so long, but then everything becomes too much for them and they feel broken and are about to give up (or maybe they have, in fact, already given up), and you want to comfort them but you feel like nothing you say will make things right.

You cannot comfort them, because you're at loss for words, no matter how strongly you feel for this person. What are you supposed to say? 'Hey, everything's going to be fine'? How many times have they heard that one, and nothing is turning up for them, and so why should they ever believe in that phrase again?

What about: 'Stay strong and hang on'? I reckon they've been doing that for as long as they could now.

Everyone says they are there for that person but it appears that that person does not feel it. I wish we could fully show how supportive we are of that person, but darn long-distance and virtual connection for not allowing us to give them a hug or something when they need it most.

I wonder how some people could be so amazing that they could talk a person out of harming themselves, and maybe even convince them not to commit suicide, despite how terrible their lives seem to be.

Of course, this person I wish I could comfort probably doesn't go to that extent, but if I could only show her how much we all care for her...

But I feel like I would merely bug her by telling her things she has heard countless of times before, because those are the only words I could think of.

Monday, November 28, 2011

DT vs. Art

**In this post Anty throws in some baku indonesian phrases because she wants to and she can, and if you could bear with her politely that would be very kind of you


I don't know why I took DT.

I shouldn't really say this because I'm not /horrible/ at it. At least, not in the technical drawing bits and the sketchings and renderings. I don't think my ideas are bad either but they're never good enough - because in DT you have to consider how others will take it. Will others buy your idea? Will your product be able to complete all the requirements and fulfill all of the criteria, but still have that extra umf in it that makes it go far? How are you going to make it? And to me, personally: Are you sure you're able to make it?

I guess I took DT because people have always suggested to take DT in support of art and vice versa. Ma and Pa helped to add to the pull factor by saying 'Anty, you should take DT because that would help in architecture and we're sure you're good at DT and designing buildings.'

'Also, Anty, I think you have more potential in DT. Taking art is too time-consuming; why don't you drop art instead? But we won't push you to drop art. Do what you want to make you happy.'

'What? You're thinking of dropping DT for history? And only take art? ... YA UDALAH, TERSERAH KAMU SAJA, yang penting kamu bisa. Emangnya kau yakin mampu?? Kenapa gak ngambil DT aja and drop art?'

'You want to drop art instead? ... Katanya mau nge-drop DT. ... Ya, terserah kamu, deh. Just make up your mind.'

'You want to keep both?? APA2AN, SIH, IT WILL BE TOO TIRING, DO YOU KNOW??'

This is basically what happened during the first week of school. I'm really glad that my parents are satisfied with what I'm doing now (I've somewhat proved that I'm good at art, and I like doing the subject and this is all that matters) because I was all stressed out that what I've decided won't work out. I'm glad I didn't drop art. And I couldn't have dropped DT for history, anyway, due to the blocks being changed and what-not and it drove me mental but that was how it was.

OKAY, HAVE I LOST YOU YET?? I PROBABLY HAVE. If you're reading this I appreciate that you are sticking through this little rant of mine mmuuaacchh

/shot /sejak kapan sih anty started making kissy faces at her followers

I shouldn't blame it on my parents completely, and I don't want to blame them at all because maybe it's never their fault. They were, uhh, strongly suggesting me to take DT, but... ;~;

Okay, wait, the objective of this post is to convey my current struggle with DT without blaming anybody, especially my parents, because it really depresses me to point my finger at them when they just wanted the best for me (even though I didn't agree with their career of choice BUT THIS IS NOT ABOUT THAT ANYMORE) SO:

DT is hard because it's almost like a combination between business studies and designing. It's hard for me because I can't be pressed to think of great designs for products whilst considering if it's good enough to catch the attention of others whilst thinking about how I'm actually building the stuff irl. Because I'm not good at building the thing, even if it is out of cardboard and other simple materials. And applying mechanisms and other nifty bits? Ogah, ah.

I do, however, like how it increases my appreciation to simple products and designs, because even if they may seem plain, people still take the time to think of how practical it is and how many ways it can be used and stuff.

Of course, in art you should make the standard of your work pleasing to the examiner's eyes. The idea should be interesting as well, but if we move away from all the exams and academic stuff, art is all about you. Art is any way you want it to be and whatever message you want it to project through many different mediums, and you could make art that is just for yourself, or you could make it so that others could see it and make their own interpretation of it, but you're probably not going to care if they 'don't buy it' --

Unless you're a cartoonist and your comics don't sell much.

Or if you illustrate a lot but the person you work for isn't terribly pleased with your work

Oh. Now this is getting confusing.

In short, art > dt in my opinion. I've lost all legitimate arguments on why I think so, but there you go.

Also, I know I've expressed my frustrations towards DT a lot in my tweets, but I hope there's some sort of hope and I will overcome this... block... and will be a creative and innovative craftswoman.


This is a badly-written post in which I find that I don't reach any conclusion in the end. It is also simultaneously a post in which I have lost my point halfway through writing it. Usually I would scrap posts like this before I even publish it, but I've decided to post it anyway for some apparent reason.


The more you know.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

80 Journal Prompts

I'm actually sort of happy to see that people are still using their Blogger accounts? :3 I don't know, seeing you people creating deep posts or amusing entries about your days just inspires me to write something here, bluhuh.

BUT OH WILL YOU LOOK AT IT my blog posts are often made up of brief and sentimental rants, which should really (because I'm very clever LOLNOTRELE and observed the differences between people's personal posts on Tumblr and posts on Blogger ) belong on places like tumblr. But whatever, blogger is a far more comfy place to vent out my personal frustrations, unpopular opinions and stuff.

Lulz, this post has no purpose really, other than to post the 80 Journal Prompts as promised in the title. So, here they are, and feel free to use them, too, for whenever you feel like opening blogger but can't find a good topic to rant about! :)) :

*What 5 websites do you visit often, and why?
  • Name a totally useless possession and how you came to acquire it.
  • What music album would be used for a movie about your life?
  • List your bad habits and/or addictions and what you have tried to rid yourself of them.
  • If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be, and what would you do if later on you changed your mind?
  • What are your religious beliefs? Have they changed, or have they always stayed the same?
  • When was your last food craving, and what did you crave?
  • Who was your first crush and what made them special?
  • Name your most cherished childhood memory.
  • Turn to an entry in your journal or diary from a year or more ago. What has changed and what has stayed the same since then?
  • What is one thing nobody knows about you because nobody ever cared to ask?
  • Robert Frost write a poem titled The Road Not Taken. Name a road you’ve always wanted to travel. Where do you hope it takes you, and what might you see on the way?
  • Name one thing you always wanted to do, but haven’t. What has prevented you from doing it?
  • Write about your first kiss. Was it everything you wished or hoped it would be?
  • What was the worst mistake or decision you have ever made in life? What could you have done differently?
  • What song was stuck in your head recently, and what were you doing at the time that made you think of it?
  • Describe 5 things you want to see or do before it’s too late.
  • Write about something you now know that you wish you knew earlier in life. How could this knowledge have helped you?
  • Write about your greatest fear.
  • Name one thing you feel brings out the good in people.
  • Describe a time in your life when everything turned out fine, despite the odds.
  • If you invented a device that could fix one problem you are facing right now, would you use it? What problem would you like to solve?
  • Write about the last time you spoke to your best friend. What did you talk about?
  • Describe a time you felt alone.
  • Name something you found; what was it and where did you find it?
  • What’s on your calendar for tomorrow?
  • What is the most annoying sound you have ever heard?
  • Describe your first job.
  • What is the one thing you cannot live without?
  • Quote the nicest thing anyone has ever said about you.
  • Are you afraid of the dark? Why or why not?
  • Describe the longest amount of time you have ever been away from home.
  • Write about a recent adventure or travels.
  • Who did you idolize growing up?
  • Name a celebrity or famous person you wish would take you out on a date.
  • Describe your daily routine when you get out of bed in the morning.
  • What was the longest amount of time you have spent waiting on line for something? What was it, and was it worth the wait?
  • Name one thing you have always been good at doing.
  • What is your favorite season, and why?
  • What was the title of the last book you read?
  • List your biggest regrets.
  • Have you ever seen a ghost?
  • Describe your note-taking style and habits.
  • Do you believe that we are all here for a reason? What might the reason be?
  • What comes to mind when someone uses the phrase prolonging the magic?
  • Have you ever done something just to feel the danger, or to feel alive?
  • What is your favorite cliché?
  • What are all your thoughts on god?
  • How do rainy days make you feel?
  • What is the most amount of money you have had at one time?
  • Write a celebrity crush list.
  • What is the most amazing thing you have ever seen, heard, or experienced?
  • What effect does music have on you?
  • What did you learn today? What did you learn yesterday?
  • What 5 traits do people first notice when they meet you for the first time?
  • Have you ever carved your name or initials into a tree or stone?
  • Democracy, communism, or socialism? Defend your choice.
  • Does Never Never Land really exist?
  • Where is a great place to get breakfast?
  • List 3 things that went right (or wrong) today.
  • What is the best method of travel, and in what ways have you traveled?
  • If you could tell the world just one thing, what would it be?
  • What were your best and worst subjects in school or college?
  • Describe the most outrageous thing anyone has dared you to do.
  • Ice cream: chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry?
  • What historical events happened the year you were born?
  • Pick up a random object that has special meaning to you and describe it in as much detail as possible.
  • Write about a recent visit to a museum or art gallery.
  • What food items do you consider staples in a well-balanced diet?
  • Describe your feelings in regards to an issue in todays society, and what would be done to fix it.
  • If you had only one wish, what would you wish for?
  • If you could tell the world just one thing, what would you say?
  • Share a dirty little secret about yourself (or someone else).
  • Name a time when you broke a rule or law. Did you get caught, or did you get away with it?
  • Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
  • Name something you would like to devote more time to seeing or doing.
  • What is the name of your favorite book, magazine, or publication?
  • Thunderstorms… Inspiring or scary?

    The HTML is kinda messed up, but idc =u=. I'm probably not gonna do any of these, but keeping it as a reference won't do me any harm.
  • Saturday, November 5, 2011

    The Most Romantic Thing

    Hi, this is my blog so I'll just pour out my fantasies here, too, ok.

    So I was thinking about possible things that would make me feel extremely loved and special, and you know that usual 'give a rose, send a message, anon or not' thing we usually have on february?

    I really wish I had one with a Captain Haddock insult attached to it, and I don't care if you go anon or not, it would make me feel really happy.


    Monday, October 24, 2011

    Blog Analysis.

    Saturday, October 22, 2011

    This is very self-inflicted, isn't it.

    If it was not self-inflicted, I wouldn't think about this too much. Come on, Anty, change the fact that you think too much and that you let things to your heart so easily and get some sleep.


    Hi, this is me dwelling on the past on so many levels.

    So I was on neopets and then and then a thought came to me and I was like: 'He seems like the type to secretly play neopets or have had a neopets account' WHICH IS WEIRD, I KNOW, but I just felt it.

    So then I typed in his tumblr url, because chances are, he uses that url over and over again. And then the result came up and then there is an account. Omg.

    I didn't think it was him at first, but how many of the few people out there thought of an url like... his? So, I clicked on it, and there he was, his name, and dklfjsdlkfj he was spotted under one day ago (which means he's currently an active neoplayer) and he (re)started last month or something.

    If I could, I'd add him as a neofriend, but that will be awkward because:

    a) we haven't communicated with each other since that time I've angered him (likes/reblogs don't count, even though I wish the reason why he still likes/reblogs posts of mine is because he forgave me/still places some hope in me. Yanno, because I still wanna be pals with him QuQ. I shouldn't assume he doesn't want to, but it's okay if he doesn't.

    I know it sounds stupid because we've never met irl but i've met some great people online. I still think he's a great friend to have, and I wonder if he thinks so about me too? I wish. I hope.)

    b) my profile is really plain and ugly and is so loser-like blegh

    c) that would seem like i have stalked him. yeah.

    Thursday, October 20, 2011

    Anxious Procrastinating.

    I'm supposed to do my homework instead of this, but dlkfhfh.

    I understand that not everyone believes in a God. I understand that they have the rights to think so as much as I have the rights to truly devote myself in One, and that they are allowed to say why as much as I am allowed to do so myself.

    I shouldn't be hurt by what they say, since I know they don't intend to shove down what they believe in down the throats of people with a religion, likewise the believers to the non-believers.

    But if my Iman was truly stable, my heart shouldn't waver like it does. I know it's my religion and I have the rights to follow it, and no one is stopping me from doing so. The people who says calmly that 'God doesn't exist' and rationally states why they think so do not expect anyone to shift their views on the subject.

    It makes me feel very close-minded that whenever I read someone strongly disagree upon the existence of God, I feel a little bit hurt inside. I don't know if it's the way they say it (some really do act very viciously on their side of the argument which drives me nuts, but obviously we all have to find a way to tolerate with each other), or maybe because I admit that sometimes there is some sense to their points, and this scares me a lot. Of course I listen to their opinion and try to understand, or else I would be a completely ignorant person by not doing so - but I should learn to steady myself in confronting people with different views by now, especially with the internet connecting the world together and we often do cross paths here.


    This post seems very pointless now because a) I've known from the beginning what I must do to make me feel like this less, b) I wouldn't like more trigger-warning type posts on my blog, c) it doesn't make any type of change whatsoever. Not like there were any change needed at the start, anyway.

    BUT I've turned a blind eye on my homework just to try and get this off my chest so I might as well post it and get to deleting it later or something.

    Sunday, October 2, 2011

    I feel like I couldn't post private things on tumblr anymore.

    Not that I posted something I thought was a good opinion but people angrily deny that, or that I got any anon hate or whatever. But I like this blog. I could rant about anything whenever I want to, and even if tumblr is there for that very purpose (and I have intended tumblr to be another personal blog of mine), blogger is like... a place I could whisper silently the things I want to say. Like a diary, but not quite a diary as I post my entries up in case any of my friends read it, and it would matter a lot if they did, but if they don't, it's fine. It doesn't make it less of a diary.

    It doesn't make it less of a diary, and let us not mind the fact that this is the internet and people could access this 'diary' anytime. People don't read this particular one, anyway.

    Also, my personal posts on tumblr are mostly about digimon nowadays. I don't regret that. I was just saying.

    Wednesday, September 21, 2011

    Humm, my blog has been rather dark these days.

    This post wouldn't help the situation because it concerns the dark path of teenage attractions. Oooooooh

    But I just have to say,

    That during theory class, I just had the dumbest and most awkward (though fortunately brief) feelings for this cocky, ego-centric but oddly lovable DC guy. He's only my age, a wee bit taller and there shouldn't be anything terrifically special about him - considering the things he say in class. Even though they are hilariously cheeky.

    Probably the thing that contributes the most to this attraction is the fact that he knows so much about music. He's a level ahead of me in violin (I'm Grade 5 piano and he's Grade 6), and I find that... respectful??? He brags about his knowledge, and not just in music, but about academic things and general information. I'm not saying he has the right to do that, but he brags because he knows he's smart, and we could see that, too.

    But he definitely knows how to be polite and can certainly treat people right if he had to.

    It's an icky post because I rarely rant about the dude specimen these days, but two things I'd like to summarise from this post:

    - I find people with amazing skills and knowledge in music attractive.
    - I find people with a brilliant level of knowledge admirable.

    Tuesday, September 13, 2011

    Oh, wow, I never felt this terrible since year 7.

    A post which has a 'Trigger-warning' potential.

    I hear what you say. I respect what you say and I know where you're getting at.

    No, I'm sticking to my opinions because I it is what I believe in.

    No, I don't believe that women should swaddle themselves up and thoroughly cover ourselves head to toe if they don't want to, because we should be allowed to dress however we want to and it shouldn't be a problem to others.

    Yes, I believe that there is such a thing as skimpy outfits and revealing tops and bottoms and it is most unfortunate that such articles of clothing stir all sorts of things in today's society.

    I like you and I'm hurt if you're ever offended by what I agree with, and I never wanted to offend you or anyone out there who believe strongly that men should not rape and women should not be told what to wear. Men shouldn't rape, and they should never rape,

    but we don't live in a world where everyone has their mind in their right place. Things happen, and that's sad, and we hate it. No matter how many times or how thoroughly you try to tell the world's men not to rape, there will always appear terrible cases of such assaults, and it is never the women's fault. But it wouldn't harm you to just take precautions and just keep your bodies to yourself and draw less attention to it.

    Look at me, I'm so weak in my debates and I couldn't really voice my thoughts out well. Wow, if you read this you're gonna tut at my points and think how you never knew how misguided I am. I don't think I'm misguided, and I don't think you're misguided either. This is just my opinion.

    Fuck (now excuse my language but I'm just in an exhausted and angry mood right now), I'm really frustrated at everything right now and I do not want to add to it by thinking it was a mistake reblogging that argument. I agree with your points - women should feel free of what to wear and men should not rape. But with that freedom comes responsibility. I'm just saying.

    This post sucks I don't care I hate myself right now lol I haven't even decided if I should drop art for history. There's probably a lot of points here anyone could put up a great argument with and I won't stop them from doing so.

    I like you a lot, and I'm sorry if me thinking like this made me less appealing in your eyes. ): Why am I getting all butt-hurt over this, I never knew you personally. You didn't get why I argued against this topic, or maybe you did, but you protested the same way I protested against it.

    I don't know if I should say sorry. I shouldn't, because I agree with what you say - I just also agree that we still need to take care of what we do and how we show ourselves sometimes.

    Saturday, July 2, 2011

    My handwriting looks terrible on tablet.

    Thursday, June 23, 2011

    Speciality in writing is that

    I give up before even finishing the first chapter or part or something if it's an ongoing thing yup.

    Oh, my record is 6 chapters. An achievement.

    -- edit --

    Big sister insists on reading something you wrote. You come back later to find she wasn't reading it any more and was not making a comment about it.


    Sunday, June 19, 2011

    LET ME DO A QUICK UPDATE + The Curious Tale of a Boy named Edgar Root


    Man, I used to use you as a place for ranting haha. And I'd rant about... well, stupid things like like how I couldn't bear not being liked back by so on and so forth and it was idiotic. Yep. Though I'm not saying I won't be posting immature things anymore nope nope there's still more where that came from.

    Maybe I'll use you to post crappy writings and ideas and all. You could be my draft blog, you know. If I can't post things on tumblr or if I'm too shy and would like to let out something more personal elsewhere, I'd use you. That'll be cool. And since all my followers are people I personally know, all the comments I'd get are those from friends, so yeah, that's a bonus.

    Do I sound like a five year old? I hope not.

    So, firstly:

    The Curious Tale of a Boy Named Edgar Root

    There was something abnormal about Edgar Root.

    He was always cold, bitter, and unwelcoming to lay a hand on. On the parts where a normal boy should be the warmest, Edgar was the coldest. When Edgar plays in the sun, his face blooms blue and his skin turns icy. On those rare occasions when Edgar felt happy, his cheeks would blush to the colour of your lips when you were cold, and he’d be embarrassed of it, because he knows this would only make the blue deeper. No one wanted to touch him. No one wanted to speak to him: for who would ever want to be with someone so frosty, so dead to the touch? He doesn’t feel it, but others do. And it hurt him.

    When he asked Mrs Root about why he was like that (‘Mama, is there something wrong with me? Why won’t the others like me?’), all he received from her was a firm glare. Mama did not like talking about the strange characteristics of her child. Often, Edgar would have a feeling that even his Mama did not want him in the same room as he was. She never liked the cold, and Edgar could not help it if every room he wanders in turn chilly in his presence. When Edgar watches the other children hug their Mamas, there would always be this twitch in his heart. It was a painful twitch. It was a twitch that drowned him in his sleep so that his weeping came unheard. It was a twitch that kicked him on the shins whenever he saw his Mama but can never touch her; a twitch that beat his insides, like a bully, reminding him he would never be like one of those children who would sleep in the warm embrace of their mothers whenever they wanted to, because they were warm themselves—because their mothers loved them. So Edgar would turn to his Papa.

    Mr Root did not mind Edgar. Every evening, before he went to bed, Edgar would clamber up to his father’s lap as he dozed in his favourite armchair, a newspaper draped across his torso. It would send Mr Root jolting out of his slumber to feel this sudden cold bundle on his lap, and Edgar would feel guilty for waking him up. But Papa forgives. Papa would laugh. He would wrap his arms around Edgar’s cold body and leave him there, safe and cozy.

    When Edgar was eight, he hid himself in one of the cupboards in school. It wasn’t the first time the boy had done it—several times he had found himself within the darkness of this enclosure, coveted away from the insults and sneering of the bigger boys. It was one place where Edgar felt safe. No one wanted Edgar to be out and about in the playground, speculating the children who would be playing and mucking around, and that was just fine. He hadn’t told anyone, but he always had a friend with him. It was a little creature; sort of like a cat but with the mane of a lion, and perhaps with the wings of a swan, and maybe even the tail of a chinchilla, and was the colour of pistachio ice-cream—Edgar couldn’t decide, but he always made the friendliest and warmest company on the worst of days.

    The cupboard had slits on its door which allowed Edgar to peek through to the empty hallway. It stood directly opposite a window, and through that, Edgar would be able to see children playing in the courtyard. During a damp, dreary autumn morning, he watched from the slits as the children stomped in the mud, oblivious to the spatters of dirt on their shorts and skirts; ignoring almost intentionally the fact that their Mamas would be angry at them when they got home for their dirtied wardrobes. It was only then that Edgar heard a noise. A series of footsteps echoed through the hallway—a collection of rushed, anxious scurrying, and Edgar wondered who it could be. He felt his breath hitch.

    The footsteps grew louder, and Edgar leaned forwards to catch a glimpse of the sprinter. At the peak of the strides, a figure appeared in front of the slits—first as a blur, but then it stopped as quickly as it had come. Edgar saw the torso of a young boy, slightly pudgy, but a lot more muddy. Conscious of his own raspy breaths, Edgar stopped himself from breathing. It did little help. The figure swept around to face Edgar's door, and without a second’s hesitation, he dived forwards to yank at the knob of the cupboard—

    Edgar yelped. He raised his hands up, curling instantly into a ball. The light smacked him smartly on his face, and the feeling of horror drenched him of the so little colour he had left. Alas, he was found! Now he had to wait for the first beating, or the second lash this morning, or the third sneer of the day, but—

    ‘Oh, it’s you,’ the boy said. Edgar looked up, blinking. And without asking if it was all right to do so, the boy scrambled in the narrow cupboard with Edgar, shushing him to keep silent, and after a brief moment of shuffling and grunting, he finally stood still. Edgar felt his heart pound on his eardrums. He felt his breath rush and his mind swirl. He hid so well away from the rest of the children, and now – this boy! This boy had opened his shelter and barged insistently in, never mind the fact that there was the cold body of a young child inside, which may as well resemble that of a fresh, dead corpse, no matter how very much alive it still was...


    There you go, something to waste your time on. I'd like to publish it on tumblr (PFF PFF) you know, to test my guts, but then my writing is sklfjalsfja; and the font on my blog is also blargh, but I don't wanna change my theme, so /kanyeshrug.

    Something I did a long time ago. Left it unfinished olololol

    When will I be able to write awesomely. Oh But I bet if I keep doing things I like with passion I'd get somewhere???? idk.

    Friday, March 25, 2011


    Director : Red Crescent
    Producers: QIS (Walkathon Production)
    Settings: (currently shot for) Libya and Japan
    Cast: Ardianty Nadhira, Pratiwi Hastania
    Rating: ********** (a hundred-star thriller, bebs)

    We sucked at asking for donations, you can call us losers. BUT, (begging on my knees) at least donate Monkey Emoticons

    Well, we've asked about three households and only one of them donated. That's all right, though, but it still crushed us. We both felt like giving up (but after only 3 families???). lkfj well we're gonna try three more, hopefully, if we're not too scared. Will people be kindhearted, and understand we are honest students seeking for donations? Why, even our Indonesian neighbours seem suspicious of us. How are we gonna ask for the rest, hum.

    But I shouldn't say this. I'm sure there are many good-natured people out there willing to donate. Insyallah.

    Sunday, January 23, 2011

    tumblr crush

    been spending way too much time tumblin, but i haven't forgotten about my blogger.

    well. there really is nothing much to say. which is funny because it is impossible to have nothing to say. i could easily say the sky is blue and most people will think that that is the most uninteresting topic to start a conversation until they wonder why it is blue, or how the colour of paint is put in, or how those big building cranes appear out of nowhere in a construction site.

    anyway, i have a lot of homework so i should have no reason to procrastinate, but here i am.

    oh, here's a funny fiction:

    so when a person pops in randomly in your mind...
    that means that person was thinking of you?

    when you dream of someone,
    that someone went to sleep thinking of you?


    what if that person didn't sleep at all that night LOL but that's not the point. i d k all of this, where did this wishy washy things come from, har har, but ocha says scientists proved it, but i havent got any sources yet.

    idk what im trying to say it's not like im trying to find out if it's true or not to see if theres a possibility for something else ahahahahaha whatever.

    guise, once you have a tumblr crush

    that is when you realise you have no life.

    oh i just realised how that dream thing connects oddly to the tumblr crush thing but i just want to clarify that it has nothing to do with each other because i never even met my virtual tumblr crush so theres no way our dreams will

    what am i saying i'm starting to give you this wrong impression i'll stop kbai.

    Monday, January 10, 2011

    Just felt the need to post a new post...

    Oh, yes, I need to stop procrastinating. saddlkfjbns What advertisement can I get for english? -___o

    I really wish I could write well.
    And draw well.

    InsyaAllah, haha.

    Anyway, today was good. The highlight was probably playing with Rania and Karin and Izhar and Mishal (I dearly hope that is the right spelling else I have to search it up in the yearbook) at 1 to 2 o'clock. And now I have to do my englishes. I've got two english homeworks, never mind that I say englishes.

    Wait, before I continue let me just say:

    aslfgss;s; g;kl gs; gog;dl'w04ti mv;sg

    Now~ Yesterday all my songs got deleted except for 33 on my ipod~^^

    My mind is not quite warmed up for my english homework~

    Oh, and I still have to memorise Yaseen. (: That's alright.

    Because the world ain't gon' stop. Lol, idk. I just need to... to...

    sa;lkf skgmvwle ldvwojc,masp

    This post is written for me to understand and for you to... err... pass? Well, it's alright if you've read it, but it's really useless. And pointless. skfjanveril Have a nice day~