Sunday, October 2, 2011

I feel like I couldn't post private things on tumblr anymore.

Not that I posted something I thought was a good opinion but people angrily deny that, or that I got any anon hate or whatever. But I like this blog. I could rant about anything whenever I want to, and even if tumblr is there for that very purpose (and I have intended tumblr to be another personal blog of mine), blogger is like... a place I could whisper silently the things I want to say. Like a diary, but not quite a diary as I post my entries up in case any of my friends read it, and it would matter a lot if they did, but if they don't, it's fine. It doesn't make it less of a diary.

It doesn't make it less of a diary, and let us not mind the fact that this is the internet and people could access this 'diary' anytime. People don't read this particular one, anyway.

Also, my personal posts on tumblr are mostly about digimon nowadays. I don't regret that. I was just saying.

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