Saturday, October 22, 2011

Hi, this is me dwelling on the past on so many levels.

So I was on neopets and then and then a thought came to me and I was like: 'He seems like the type to secretly play neopets or have had a neopets account' WHICH IS WEIRD, I KNOW, but I just felt it.

So then I typed in his tumblr url, because chances are, he uses that url over and over again. And then the result came up and then there is an account. Omg.

I didn't think it was him at first, but how many of the few people out there thought of an url like... his? So, I clicked on it, and there he was, his name, and dklfjsdlkfj he was spotted under one day ago (which means he's currently an active neoplayer) and he (re)started last month or something.

If I could, I'd add him as a neofriend, but that will be awkward because:

a) we haven't communicated with each other since that time I've angered him (likes/reblogs don't count, even though I wish the reason why he still likes/reblogs posts of mine is because he forgave me/still places some hope in me. Yanno, because I still wanna be pals with him QuQ. I shouldn't assume he doesn't want to, but it's okay if he doesn't.

I know it sounds stupid because we've never met irl but i've met some great people online. I still think he's a great friend to have, and I wonder if he thinks so about me too? I wish. I hope.)

b) my profile is really plain and ugly and is so loser-like blegh

c) that would seem like i have stalked him. yeah.


mirakuru said...

anty who is this personne

Anty said...

ahh this guy and it just so happens i felt an attachment to him until i said something very wrong to him but dlkfjdlfk i think that's all behind now so. this guy. yep.

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