Saturday, February 27, 2010

the masochistic, sushi dream.

Gosh, I feel like I've changed the viewpoint of my life drastically this year.

I feel so .____. these days. But well, let's start off with happy things like my posts usually do.

Yesterday I went to Sushiminto, this japanese restaurant across Jarir bookstore. It wasn't bad actually; the tempuras are delicious. And so are the sushis. It actually sorta filled me up, even though I sort of cried just before we went out to eat there.

After that we went to Jarir, and I bought a National Geographic magazine. Dad told me to buy this mystery novel he read when he was small by Agatha Christie. It was old; around 1970-ish. I was like 'But the English is so old, Dad, I might not be able to understand it, no offence! D8'

But he said Agatha Christie was one of his favourite authors when he was younger. Of course, he read the Indonesian translation, so I don't know if it was hard for him or not. :/

But I find the older English cute. They say 'I shan't' and 'I say, my dear girl' and stuffs. The main character is called Sir Stafford Nye. Cute name, eh? :D Sir.

I've been thinking lately, after I had this very vivid but strange dream two days ago. I dreamt of UFOs and snow, and searching for a real jet-plane behind bookshelves. I dreamt of walking for less than a mile on so on disabled legs, thinking it was possible.

Waking up from these dreams I thought, 'Wow, that felt so real. And silly. But nice.'

And you know what? I came to realise I love those dreams. For me, I think dreams are visions of the impossible you create in your sleep. And then when you think deeper, you could find that they are possible to bring to life.

Now I talked about this to one of my friends yesterday and she said she had no interest. It offended me a little [alright, so it was one of the reasons which made me cry. why? more will be explained later, maybe], but i realised that not everyone is a dreamer.

that's not a bad thing, really. they live in reality.

but if you are reading this, i wish for you to comment below and state what you think about dreams. D: If that's okay.

The third part to this post:

here are somethings that bug me these days, and it makes me want to break down thinking about it:

- i'm not allowed to draw freely anymore.
- no one seem to care much about what i say.
- i haven't, maybe, found that right person who'll understand me.

and then my sister is says, "If being on MSN makes you cry, then stop it. I mean, I was in your phase once--being on computer 24/7 (which is a slight exaggeration)--but someday, you'll realise that even if you communicate online, you'll just get lonelier keeping in touch with people virtually. If you want to talk, talk face-to-face; it feels much better than virtual talking."

She had a point, and then I remembered to tell myself that I go on, mostly because i feel like i'm waiting for somebody, which is really useless and time-consuming.

and the thing about the 'not being able to draw freely anymore'. Well, I know, people have told me this last year, but I carried on anyway. I was ignorant, or I forgot. Then one day I read in BS's blog and BAM--my face fell when I was reminded.

We're not allowed, according to our religion, to draw some living things. Like humans. And animals.

I asked an ustadhz about this and even though he tried to make things better, i still cried.

for me, art, even if my people seem anime-ish, fills a bit of my life. i can't draw emotions if there are no people in the picture. it's possible, yes, but i just don't...

and when i pick up a pencil and look at my sketch pad, something tells me not to draw. i listen to music, receive inspiration and then i still deprive myself from drawing.

you may think 'it's just drawing. it really is not that bad; i can live without pictures or drawings.'

but if you were me, you'd cry.

Sorry for the exaggeration in this post. I feel so guilty, having been living on drawing for most of my life. I never knew it was this important in Islam. I think about it and then I feel so sad and depressed. Astaghfirullah.
I do make a big deal out of the littlest things, and I do think that everyone should have a 'FRAGILE: HANDLE WITH CARE' sign etched on their hearts.

Because no matter how you look at it, there's always something that can shatter even the strongest person on Earth.


reignofmusic said...

u expressed everythin that was left in ur heart onto ur blog it's gr8.
Dreams eh?
hmm interesting well i learnt a lot about dreams in the past few days.
I've been reading this book called DREAMER I'll pass it to u once im done. =]
It's quite interestin.
Well I don't dream a lot but I find dreams quite interesting. The thought of you mind flashing random videos in your head enthusiasts me :P

I dont take much of an interest in drawing but I feel ur pain. It's like not allowing me to think or express my self in writing. WOW
well u still have writing as a way and u cud still draw awesome pics of ur guitar ryte?

I love this post
Very expressive.
It was a pleasure feeling everything u felt: ur pain, ur sorrow, ur interests ;D

Anty said...

Shariniaa. D':

I love you for bother commenting on this post of mine. Yes, I sorta added more emotions in this post for all of the negative things that i've experienced lately. D: it's been tough.

aah, cool, i shall wait for ze dreamer book, then. :D Yeah, it's cool that you can receive random things in your head when you sleep.

thanks for understanding on that art bit there. D: i hope nothing can stop you from expressing yourself through writing (except for author's block. those stuffs are EVIL, i tell you) because you're a pro at that. D;

Thanks for liking and commenting on this post. :'D *GIVES YOU A COOKIE*

reignofmusic said...

no prob I like commentin on this pot ;) it was an enjoyable experience.

The book will come to you 2moz. in the morning in tutor group so yup :D

expressing yourself in writing is sumthin that is quite amazing . Spilling everything out onto a piece of paper and have a million people read it seems quite scary but it's quite interesting actually. Author's block? Never heard of it.... hahaha ur as much of a pro as I am. :D u will always be

yay! I got a cookie
*child's voice*
Mama mama see that stranger over there gave me a very nice cookie. Can I eat it mama? can I? can I?
lol soz about tht so random.....

Anonymous said...

Thanks about the suggestion of the book, even though i didn't take it in anyway. D8 I'm sorry.

Shyeah, i love writing probably just as much as you do but i hate it when i get blocks... you know... when you just can't write for a while -___-.

thanks, you'll always be a pro too hopefully. :D


*PS I'm signing as anon because i'm too lazy to sign in yet*

Anonymous said...

antayhee, this is fikarhee.

about that drawing thingie, it still has/have been debated. so does music.
some people say drawing living things and listening to music is haram. some people say it is allowed

plus, if IT is forbidden, He would mention in in the qur'an. He is very strict on forbidden actions.
but is it mentioned in the qur'an?
He would not let us figure out whats haram whats not, islam is an easy religion.

so, in this case. we need references. and reasons.

Anty said...

fikarhee D:

but we still do listen to music. you listen to music; my mom listens to music and my very religious grandmother did, I think. I heard somewhere that you can play or listen to music, just as long as it won't make you 'crazy' and stop yourself from ibadah-ing? D:

I think He did mention it in the Qur'an. I'm scared, but up until now, why do I still draw? I feel like a hypocrite. i know i have to sacrifice something if it is true, but i never realised how much art is important to me until I discovered I might have to lose it.

I'll have to wait until some referrences are made. I've already heard of some reasons not to draw in Islam...

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