Friday, February 26, 2010

happy belated birthday, i miss you.

the title will be explained later, (as usual these days), but right now I want to write about my thursday.

well, my thursday was pretty darn good, actually. it was the best thursday i've had in a while--lots of laughter and smiles and friends and all that. english was a relaxing lesson. we made bookmarks so we can sell it for charity in this world book week later on. :'D

Okay, I can't think of a plot to write for that short story.

It will come, hopefully. -_____-

ICT with mr. johnson was... nice. we began the lesson with him scaring the shoes off me, then it was a real blast coming to the near end of the lesson.

oh, and since we were learning about databases, there was this very weird conversation pratiwi or farahana had with mr. j:

Mr J: Alright, so what other field could we keep inside the database?
P/F: We could keep the gender of the students in this school?
Mr J: That's right... Apparently, we're still trying to figure out Mr Sutcliffe's gender, so...


I sense a bit of platonic bromance between Mr. J and Mr. S. *TOENGTOENGTOENGOETOEGN* *GETS SHOT*

I passed the day with a long nap then woke up to be ushered out of my bed by my mom. We were going to this ngaji thing and there was Ocha, Fikar, Nadhira, Nadia, the Ghozalis and others.

It was a blast playing with Felix.

It was awesome to be hanging out with pals late at night and studying about Grace from God. :'D

Thanks for making my day, by the way, if you're reading this. But then no one does read my blog unless they were told to or if it's on a very rare occasion. But a girl can hope, right.

23rd of February. That was how belated I am.

Grandma, I miss you so much. I'm sorry I forgot it was your birthday until the next day afterwards. I cried a bit when I found that out, but I know I shouldn't. You wouldn't want me to cry for you right? I love you so much.

If you were still here, I'd call you then and tell you 'happy birthday'. of all these times, I never looked forward to speaking much over the phone with you, but now that you're in a very deep sleep, i'm grateful for all those reluctant talks a thousand miles apart.

i hope i'll see you later.

i love you.


reignofmusic said...

ur fist commentor!!!!
haha here i wasnt asked to do this and if i was i would have dont it anyway.
SOzz i didnt used to comment on ur blog cuz there was so much that i cud choose
now Happy Birthday Ardi's Grandma
yea its sad aint it my gran past away like just 8 days b4 her bday :_(
ok so hmph cool hangin out wif frenz :P

Anty said...


omg, thank you for wishing happy b-day to my grandma. :'D if i told her my friend wishes her happy birthday, i'm sure she'll smile.

yeah, people come and go, but memories will always stay. :D

Jihad Nugroho said...

hahahahahahhahaahahha, yeah Mr J. and Sutcliffe always have been fightin and all that xDD

Anty said...

Haha yeah, they make a weird duo, but men are boys at heart. XD

i wonder what other stuffs have they been 'fighting' about? OAO' reminds me of sibling rivalry.

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