Wednesday, March 24, 2010

contradicting, ya3nii.

this post will contradict a sufficient amount to the post i wrote before. :D

because, this week i felt proud of myself. though i really don't know why. maybe because of WSC? because it's enviro-week? well. i just feel very content and blessed right now, even if i have 2 hours to sleep and i haven't completed my homeworks. :D

i suppose, it's because of -get ready for some more sappiness, folks- i'm definite i'm being loved right now. it may not be from a guy i seem to stupidly, uselessly fancy or anything, but hey, when you have true family and friends, who needs a meaningless smile from a boy (or girl, if any guy is reading this) you like? :)

yeah, i might be just saying that because i don't have a bf (and mind you, i don't want one right now, though it will be nice to know that he likes me back though we won't be dating. ever.), but i'm just saying it's true. nothing comes in first than platonic and pure family love, and you know that you have support wherever and whoever you are. :D

i was feeling a tad (but seriously not too much) low on self-esteem today in the morning, idk why, and i watched as people passed by, figure after figure, faces after faces. i thought 'out of billions of people and creatures on this earth, i was put as ardianty. not popular or highly-attractive, unable to cook, not athletic and not perfect in every single shape or form.'

then i looked at another person. she was very nice, beautiful, kind and smart and athletic. but, even then, i realised, i did not want to be her at all. sure, i have role-models and people who triggers me to keep going and reach a further limit. but i'm ardianty. i know i'm incredible at some fields, and so are you. and so is everyone.

and i'd rather be me, carrying out my own story, than being some popular girl any other day. :)

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