Thursday, September 30, 2010


Well, it certainly passed very...


No matter. After spending 5 days in the hospital right after arriving in this sandbox, meeting friends is a real treat. Congrats, Ocha, for wearing the hijab (full-time?) :'D. God must be proud of you. I, on the other hand, am still waiting for my heart to be willing. Don't know when that will be, but I'll get there, insyaallah. -A-;;

I had... 6 BLOOD TESTS IN TOTAL (well, around 7 or 8 if you count the times where the needle failed to draw blood) one day after the other. But those ant bites were nothing; what killed me were the IVs. O__o They were like SCORPION STINGS--not that I've ever been bitten by those babies before. So the doctor took blood tests because mom was afraid that my trombosis (or however you spell it) levels are okay, because if they dropped fast, that might mean i have DEMAM BERDARAH (dengue fevaaaah). Well, it was okay, except that...

THE VIRUS THAT ATTACKED ME KILLED UP MY WHITE BLOOD CELLS AND GAVE ME A MASSIVE FEVER and I had slight anaemia, so i was given these horrible iron syrups which tasted fine at first, but then as i drank them more, it tasted more like blood itself.

And the doctor kept me in the hospital because i might get infected and i will not be able to fight diseases well because of my deceased white blood cells, lol.

Alright. School.

Now our tutor group's name is cool, thats one. :D 910, or 9TEN to be proper. Then they had these neat shades and new teachers, which some students find highly attractive. Whether I'm one of these students or not, I say nothing.

And I know this is quite late, but do allow me to welcome Zulfikar Fathoni (FIKARHE) into QIS. And other new students, of course. :'D Hope you guys cope well.

Well, I feel intimidated by some teachers (MISTERMATHCOPLEY), that is probably only my worry for the week. And the fact that I feel INCOMPLETE, though I don't know why such a 'godforsaken' feeling overcomes me that much (mareesha doesnt read this blog, but i loved the way she used that term in english).

PE nearly had me barfing. I loved it and all, but I'm not fit enough for it. And we only had to dig in volleyball. I hate that about me. I don't know, my anaemia was acting up, or I was seriously out of oxygen levels. And I sort of self-promised this year, I'll make improvements in my physical status. Oh, nadhira (she wont read this), why can't I have the same stamina as you have. And you, too, Sharinia. I feel miles away from becoming like my football heroes (which is truthfully the second purpose on why i must excel in physical challenges -_-).

Nothing deep and heartfelt I want to transfer across in this post. I just want to add, 'OMG SRSLY, QIS HAS ITS OWN GLEE CLUB??!!11!' and keep the world spinning with love, life and laffterr. ((:

Alright bainao.


Anonymous said...

thanks for the warm welcome, ANTAYHEE~
i appreciate it alot :'D


syania/bs said...

omG anty what happened to you that made you that ill? D:

Anty said...

i don't know. i started to get the fever in the airplane back to doha. D: D: lol being on an airplane is enough for me without having to catch a fever. -____-;;


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