Thursday, April 22, 2010

where was I?

Not that anyone cared since nearly nobody checks on my blogger, anyway. But it's been a while since I've posted anything on blogger.

Dear Bloggi, I think it's time for a new template. *heart* But that will have to do later.

It's been interesting, lately. Alright, 'interesting' may not be the word but it's still peculiar anyhoo. Been back to UAE, the place where I've grown up in for 4 awesome years. I reunited with mah dear pal Shabrina~ and we had lotsa fun. Played an adventure in IKEA at Marina Mall. Also parted at the final day in an asian restaurant in a bowling place.

Though I felt significantly lonely there. Didn't quite know what was missing. It may not be the right place for me to talk about this (and why should I?) but I cried the first night I stayed there. For what reason, I won't tell, and I don't know.

Then there was the Eyjavjallajokul (I THINK I'VE SPELT IT RIGHT WITHOUT LOOKING!!1!) incident in Iceland. Don't know how that impacts something on me, but it's also a fascinating thing to... observe?

Writing in blogger gives me the chance to write like this. 8]]

And I've been busy with World Scholar's Cup. Gee, it's this time next week I'll be at the airport for the first time without my parents, haha. Though, maybe I'll be okay aside from mingling with hundreds of intelligent and more-capable-of-debating students of the ME and China.

The Motorcycle Diary took me aback with the massive swearings and make-out scenes. The creators of WSC has odd minds.

I feel like watching James Bond with his comrade of British spies. Must be the Iggy effect.

I shouldn't be sorry that I've wasted your time by making you read all this because no one would bother read this boring posts anyway.

I find this good because then I can write anything I want on my blog.

I find this bad because then it shows that I'm a really uninteresting person.

My point? Why, there's no point at all.

Friday, April 2, 2010

it's dead here.

so. where is everyone on blogger? shame really. i know i can't ask people to go on blogger because it really is their own decisions to check on their blog or look at their friends' blog to see what's been happening or something. i know that.

so, today is the first day of the end-of-term holiday of term 2. and i am bored to tears. literally. OTL

i suppose when i'm bored i think about things that make me sad. so i should stop being bored and start being brilliant. OAO; that is so easy for one to say.

and and i'm going to Abu Dhabi on the 9th. : D i hope it'll be an awesome trip. i really want something magical to happen this holiday. well, i hope magical things will happen anytime. maybe when i least expect it?

i don't know why but when I write on my blog i feel like i'm rumbling about nonsense and i can't get straight to my point.


yeah, and i still have to study for WSC and start writing the notes but how and where should i start?


Yes, Orihara Izaya will own your cell phones and stomp them into little pieces. It's true.


this is probably the reason why i don't get so many comments on my posts.

I'd like to go to a water-park. Or go hiking in a forest. I just have to do something; something thrilling and fantastic and something memorable. I'd like to travel the world, the galaxies and sail the oceans and the seas. I just have to do something.

I feel down, but I know I shouldn't. Like the post two posts before, BS told me I shouldn't be so down. And I know I shouldn't. Who am I to feel sad, when I've got a bed, food and family? I always told myself I can do it--push on, sail forwards.

I may sound like my sister now, but it's just in my nature okay? I respect that people care about the happiness of other people, and mind you I will be happy soon enough. I'll push away all the negative thoughts and feelings and make my own life awesome. I'd change myself if I have to.

Just, once in a while, can I just allow myself to feel sad at the smallest things in life?


The answer is 'no'. :) I'm proud to say that for myself.