Friday, June 19, 2009

I wouldn't call it 'Fangirl-ing'...

Hi hi, it has been a long time since I actually posted up here. Where did I left this blog hanging? Oh right, the poetry thingy. It was just to kill time. xD

Anyways, for the past two or three months, I've been to Indonesia on the 2nd May. My grandmother died, and she was my favourite. D': I cried hard. But I moved on. Now I don't cry when I remember my grandma (not to sound mean) but it does give me sad memories of her. But it's okay. She went 'home' to Allah SWT now. :')

That's what my Uncle texted to Mom while we're still in Doha. It went something like this:

Ndet (my mom's nick), Mama sudah pulang. Doa-in ya!

My mom thought it was some kind of a joke because the words were slang-ish. xD When she told this to my grandfather, aunt, uncle and my other aunt in Bandung, we all laughed because we saw the funny side of this, but the tears were still on all our faces. Grandpa just told the story of how calmly and trouble-free my Grandma died. He always said that she didn't want to trouble people on her death. And that's what she got, because I knew Allah was by her side.

Grannie was really religious. She'd hold pengajians, like, once every 2-3 weeks or something! I'll miss that - pemgajian won't be the same without her. Now my grandpa lives only with my maid, aunt and her new baby. Isn't it weird? When I was in Indonesia the summer before, Grandma was there while my new baby cousin isn't. Now... it's the opposite. My new baby cousin called 'Keiko' is born and my grandma left.

I dunno how to describe it. Irony? Or something like, nothing stays forever, but memories could last, or something corny like that. xD

I almost cried when I typed about my Grandma, but anyways, back to the happier stories!
In Jakarta, I played Hotel626 with my cousins. They freaked out, including me, and to make matters worse was the fact that our house in Jakarta used to be a Chinese graveyard. 0__0;

Did you know, at around 2:00 in the morning, we could hear someone bathing in the back of our house? And it happened since a very long time--like, since dad was very little. It could be a broken saluran air, but it might be someone from their 'underground bed'...

Anyhoos, when I came back, not much happened. Just revising and revising and revising, and look at the day now! I already started my final exams. Thursday went great - History, French and Arabic were pieces of cake. :D

English description went well (until I found out that my friends wrote more than what I did, and it kinda ruined my self-confidence D:), but the reading...


And guess what it is? Cania and Ocha will know this because IT IS...

P A N D O R A H E A R T S~ ~ ~

Lolol, blame Ocha. She had me hooked.

To BiiEsh: The following paragraphs might seem like nonsense to you, but it is when you don't have a clue on what PH is, 'kay? xD Though I'm not sure, Ocha never said anything about you ever watching PH so this was just a mere warning...

And my favourite character? It be GILBERT [Raven] NIGHTRAY~
Why? Because he's cute *andhot* at the same time, and very loyal, and amusing when he's mad and also when he's embarassed haha. xD

Oh, no, I'm still bery faithful to Junsu-oppa and the rest of DBSK. But now, my focus is on PH. The storyline is really interesting, and it wasn't what I expected because...

When Ocha said Pandora HEARTS it reminds me of a shoujou series, so I wasn't really interested, and the fact she said that Alice was cute made it more shojou. XD XD

No offence, 'kay Ocha? D: It's just... even this bouncy, not-tomboyish and kinda girly girl I met likes it, so it kinda gave me the impression that the series was shojou and cheesy and... yeah. xD Forgive me for judging on first appearance. I was shallow-minded. X.x

Yes, well, call me insane for obsessing over an anime guy, but you can meet lots of otaku girls my age who crushes over imaginary guys. xP

Oh, and my favourite pairing is currently GilxAlice. X___x Yes, Cania and Ocha who supports OzxAlice, my point of view is really weird so please don't judge. I just thought that they looked cute together when they argue and like Ichigo and Rukia from Bleach, that's how they show their care for each other. I don't like them despising over each other... I just hope they communicate more closer to each other, ya know what I mean? xD

Close people tend to find that they argue over some things, too~ xD

Okay, well, ta-ta, if you read this before I upload some pics, I MIGHT edit this and upload some pics later, but I can't right now since it's almost 12.

Oh and today I had fun with Och & Rania at Rania's house. :D Oh yah, today, Ocha made a blogger account and Rania and me made a convo whilst Ocha was gone. Go speculate their blogs.



ranii-a said...

omg u do write a lot in 1 post dont u :O

syania/bs said...

nice grandchild.
i ddnt read th pandora hearts paragraph at all of course :'D

Anty said...

@ Rania : ... xD xD U shud see my other entries. Some of them are longer I think.

And next time comment on the CONTENT. D:<
*ish being bossy and demanding

PLUS I wrote this in just 25 minutes HUZZAH~

@ bs: Yeah, I sure do miss my grandma. :D HAHA You actually took ithe warning literally literally. xD If I was in your position, my curiousity will drive me further and I'll read without even understanding a single word that was written. X___x

But I'll still read. xD xD xD

sylphiawings said...

man you pedo, do you realize what the age difference between Gil and Alice is?
I srsly prefer Oz x Alice.

maybe i should play hotel626 with my cousins...

Anty said...

D'aww, Cania, let me fantasize a bit, can't ya? D:

Well, I srsly prefer GilxAlice. I EVEN STARTED A FANFIC HAH. XD XD XD

What? What age difference? FYI:

*there be spoilers, skip this paragraph*

And how they got their age difference, I do not know but


I srsly hope you didn't read those spoilers, but to summarise it and for you to work it out if you haven't read them, Gil and Alice were ONCE about the same age. P:

Wait, that was a spoiler, but oh well, desperate times count as desperate measures when you want to balance the argument. *tuts*

I meant that if you argue with me, I shall argue back. xD xD

ranii-a said...


how do i comment on the content? D:

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