Tuesday, March 3, 2009


And we forgot all about our Football Match.

Tuesday. a.k.a the day before Wednesday and after Monday. The day before my piano lesson and my science test. The day when I have PE first thing in the morning. But it's the day when I saw it for the first time in my life, not caged up behind bars or being viewed through man-made and electronical screens...

Right. I'll talk about that last because for me it was indeed a fascinating and rare encounter, ok? So now, I am supposed to be studying my Science test, but figured out I shall have little breaks here and there and decided to continue with this inbetween each studying session. Organised? Nope. Not really. Since I only do studying for up to 30 minutes each session and 15 minutes break. Anyways, school was fun in breaktimes and in hometimes, as usual. Laughing so hard until I fall is a daily thing for me at school. My friends keep laughing at my reflexes. They always poke me and attempt to tickle me on my sides, which causes me to dodge quick. Apparently, without me thinking about it, the way I dodge makes my friends laugh. Which makes me laugh harder, too. :) I wish life would be like that everyday. Which was why weekends are often boring for me. -.- So I almost always beg my parents to come with me for a drive or just to explore some parts new in Doha. xD

AHEM. Enough chat about my weekends now. Yesterday was weird. Some random dudes who works for the Americana Company distributed packets of Shots (DUAZ DUAZ) around the school. They were biscuits in tiny packets. At least, the packets seemed tiny, but most of us in my classroom found that it took FOREVER to finish one packet of biscuits. X_x Yeah, well, I think the Shots were some new products and they were advertising it. IN OUR SCHOOL!!!!1 :D

Who knows? Maybe we were filmed by a camera then for a commercial...

MOVING ON FROM THEN, nothing interesting happened afterwards except that today I haven't caught that much glimpse of *TOENG* until Islamic Class. I thought *TOENG* was absent but I was relieved that he wasn't HEHEHYHE. Oh yah, we started the Term 2 English Exam 'All Aboard'. It's a reading paper and mostly all about the Dangers at Sea. Ooooo... 0.0

Now that I had mentioned all there was to say, I shall now talk about what I've been meaning to talk about in the beginning of this boring entry.

Tuesday morning was a bit colder than usual. I checked in my car's built-in thermometer that it read 16 degrees Celcius. And I've lost my jumper. Crap. But that didn't bother me much. 16 was OK for me, and it didn't stop me from doing PE first thing in the morning. PFFFT Who'd skip PE just because they lost their jumpers anyway? We started the period with a bit of warm-up (A lap around the football field) and I managed to make my friends laugh by starting off by doing a sort-of-cartoonish jog. We did a few football passing practices and after that, the teacher (Mrs. Williams. I wonder how many months is it until her daughter is due? :\) sorted us out into teams of 4-5.

"Right, Noha, you stand behind Ardianty. Farahana, go to Tala's team, please. Maryam, you go to--" then she paused. The field was silent as we all waited for her to continue. What was it? Has she heard something? Did she catch a glimpse of danger in a part of the school? Has the baby inside her womb reacted a few months earlier (Well, that was my friend's dirty thought)?

Then she exclaimed, "Whoa! Look at that bird!"

SO far from what everyone else was thinking.

The whole class turned around and spotted something... spotty, leaping on the dull green grass of the football field, just several meters away from us. I held my breath. It wasn't majestic or whatever. It wasn't a golden eagle or something incredibly eye-catching. In fact, it was small enough to fit in two cupped hands and it could be left unnoticed even if we were sharp and wary of our surroundings.

That was if we were English people.

Because you see, England has woods. Woods have trees. Trees have... Well, woods. xD And what likes to peck and make holes in woods?

Continuing from where I left, the bird had a spotted feather (Yes, it was different from the one in the picture) and red tufts on its head. It continued hopping around for a bit and paused, sensing our existance. A bit more cautiously now, it moved away a bit further down until it can peck away on the ground peacefully with its long and pointed beak. Fine, it wasn't that long, but we can make out the outline of it from several meters away, so I assume it was longer than an average small bird's like a sparrow.

"Hey, does anyone have any cameraphones or anything?" the teacher, to my astonishment, have asked. Tala raised her hand up and dashed quickly away to fetch it.

"Why are we making such a big deal out of this?" Najla asked. I didn't care because I was mesmerised by the unique pattern on its feathers.

"Don't you know?" Mrs. Williams raised her eyebrows, "Well, I'm not sure if I'm right either, and it may have escaped from a zoo or its owner currently living here, but if I'm not wrong..."

The whole class edged closer a bit to the bird, but slowly and quietly and still managed to keep around 20 meters apart. It was as if we all forgot about our mini-football match.

"I think what we're seeing right now is a real English Woodpecker."

... I think our PE session had been turned into a National Geography Show...


Anty said...

Ok, yeah that was long AND boring. -.-

I mean a WOODPECKER? For readers it might be a PSSSHH factor but for me it's a WOW factor.

syania/bs said...

gosh if i typed this ntry this is how it wud go:

'ok so then it ws time for us t get sorted into teams, when ms.williams ws abt t tell maryam which team she shud go in she suddenly stopped n we wer all like '???' n then she sed 'whoa luk at tht bird!' n afterwards we wer all like TURNS AROUND. OMG IT WS A WOODPECKER!! so awesome.'

XDXD ur writing is way more essay-y than mine! 0.0 dsnt feel like im readin a blog u kno xD n thts nt a bad thing. y d u call him *TOENG*? isnt it jafar?

Anty said...


Ur version is funnier tho. I made mine more like a story or something, heheh... I like to make stuffs more descriptive. xD

Tho it turns out more un-eye-catching... TT.TT
Well, glad tht wasn't a bad thing for u tho. xD
I call him *TOENG* becuz I felt like it. MUEHE. Which one d'you prefer? *TOENG*, Jafar or Rajaf? 0.0

syania/bs said...

HAAHAH yes i kno bcuz if i experienced tht id find it funny. gud job on th descrips tho.

n uhh rajaf is way better XD more catchy. n it sounds kinda sexy HAHA

.. im nt sayin he is btw -__-;;

Anty said...

XD Thanks!

And LOL. I can't imagine you think of him that way. XD Bt I think he's kinda cuute. :D XD

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