Friday, March 6, 2009

Sorry for the long and dull post.

Dull. That's how I felt when I'm writing this post. Dull.

My sister's off to IA in Al-Khor. Let's hope she'd get me some souvenirs. I would imagine DBSK dropping off randomly in the desert and distributed free goody-bags to the wanderers.

Exam week now. ARGH at mah arabic. Thot I was gonna fail. Tho I guess I didn't do that bad. I mean 76 out of 80 ain't that bad, right? Oh yeah, I got a 7C in Maths! WHEE!~

This week so far was indeed very interesting. On Sunday, we did Maths Test, Paper 1. The teacher assigned me, Nadhira, Cora, Mareesha, Ruba, Sharinia, Raghda, Naila and I forgot who else to do the 5-7 Paper. I felt proud of course, that we were selected to do this because we're on the higher rankings of Set 1. PRESSURE. Oh, and we did our Arabic test. I also didn't feel quite like myself that day and I didn't laugh as much as I do on normal days.


normal days : (n. pl.) Days in Ardianty's life when she feels peculiarly hyper and concludes the school day with a cheerful smile because she had laughed with her friends whenever possible. Hard.

I suck at making up definitions.

I found the non-calculator paper easier than the one which allows calculators. 0_o

Monday changed everything. The 1st and 2nd period were boredomsville. Since it was Walkathon Day, and we had to come to school in our school colours, I decided to wear a plain, casual long-sleeved, green shirt to school. My friends thought it was boring and too blank. I saw it as a way to protect myself from the Sun's dangerous laser beams. :D

After 1st Break, we got into the hall so we could be informed about the Walk-a-thon and how we'd be split into groups (Which I found useless because most of us went our own separate ways, anyway. -____-). I couldn't help but hope I'd be in the same group as him though. But ALAS dreams were nothing but fantasy. But oh, well, walking for over an hour with friends that keep you amused couldn't be so bad right? At least, that's what I thought when I swung my cap enthustiastically as we left.

Bumped into BS as we headed out the gate. She talked about how she didn't seem to like it so far. I'm sorry I kept quiet >.< . I was listening and was searching for some words to say, but before I could reply she vanished like the wind~ Well, not exactly vanished, she thought I didn't like her walking with me. -___-; Ah well, seeing as there was no use of talking to an invisible Syania, I moved to my friends and we talked (Me and Sharinia talked about the Pythagoras theory. o.o) for... What? 10 minutes? until we started to proceed with the Walk-a-thon. I couldn't catch a glimpse of Rajaf then, but I shrugged it off. God knows, perhaps I would be close enough to walk in his footsteps. That would all come in later on. ;)

Pratiwi, Jana, Farahana and Nikkaela went ahead, linking arms together in front of me and Sharinia, who were too engrossed with talking about plotting ways of causing traffic accidents along the walk. Waving to the drivers came first in our minds. A simple greeting may lead to an unimaginable terror. Mufufufufu... Oh yeah, there were 'Paparazzis' too. As one took a picture of our group I ended up grinning and waving at one. After he took a shot he fled. Literally. As if he was afraid he would get caught 0__o. I shall be looking forward to see my picture posted in Gulf Times, bwaha.

Right, 45 minutes into the walk, I was talking with Farahana and Pratiwi and Sharinia about how tough schools were in Malaysia and Indonesia. We talked about how if we forgot our Maths book in Malaysia, we'd get punished by being hit. Somewhere on our body. Didn't want to ask where. XD A few minutes later after that thought, I looked ahead and amongst the sea of colourful clothings, I saw... THE WONDER.

Yes, the wonder, with the super-manly font of italics and pink ink, and he was walking with no one other than BS herself. I was happy for you then, BS. ;O Anyways, there was hope. After that, Sharinia and Pratiwi and Farahana went ahead while I was stuck walking alone. Of course that gave me an opportunity to daydream about him. I imagined that we were together, walking not that close, but the distance was close enough for two men to stretch out their arms; one beside the other. I would dream that I was the only one he knew at that time in that area, and his other friends were far ahead of us. Then (to my astonishment, even in a dream) something in his mind would make him utter, "Stay with me" and I would look at him and see his eyes, staring back at me filled with seriousness and stuffs I could not describe because I was too giddy back then, and witness him address me with such... sentiment? EEEEEEEE. XDXDXD I GOTTA GET A HOLD OF MYSELF. D<

But that would never happen because I'm sure he's the type of guy who would always be surrounded by his cool friends, or even if he did get lost or alone, he wouldn't ask a more-than-stranger but less-than-acquaintance type of person to accompany him. POOH.

Nikkaela and Jana followed up to me and we did get some laughs and all, but as they started quarrelling and making a fuss-as they often did-I decided to go my own way. I kept my head down and I couldn't see what's in front of me because of the shade of my cap, so I walked and walked... Until I found myself walking less than 2 metres away from him. SQUEAAAL! XD EEK EEK AHHH.

Our eyes met twice ya know HHAHA.

The moment ended after 5 minutes and Nikkala and Jana abducted me; whisked me away from the small distance me and him were from each other. But no worries. I could still spy on him. ;) Nothing happened after that, just the fact that we turned back to school. Boy, I never thought I would be so glad to se the sign 'Qatar Intenational School' loom overhead. >_> Halfway there, Nikkaela accidentally sprayed some water at my feet, and perhaps it was the heat that took over me, and as I looked down I plainly muttered at the puddle of water 'Hey, I wet myself.'

Nikkaela bursted.

I ATE PIZZAAA!!!!!!1 But I wanted another slice, one chicken shawarma and a first-class table to sit on. ); Grass came into my Coke. I dumped the sad remainings into a trash can before I recyled the can. At least the grass had some decent drink.

How am I going to survive this weekend as an only child.


syania/bs said...

Yes, the wonder, with the super-manly font of italics and pink ink,


aaanyway i like it when u talk abt 'the wonder' or 'him' or 'rajaf' or WTEVER u call him, cz its so .. idk, smetimes i imagine tht kinda stuff too i must admit HAHA. so its nice t relate. anyway tht stay with me paragraph ws so mushy n un-yr7-y bt meh, ive daydreamed more exaggerativeley than tht. :D

Anty said...

I kno I change his name alot HHA! XD

HOHO Really? My imagination is that of a more Yr-9 person then? THAT SOUNDS SMART! 8D

Exaggeratively huh? 0.0 *SNICKERS* I CAN FEEL THE MUSHINESS! XD

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