Sunday, March 1, 2009


AT LAST, my reader(s), I have successfully typed up mah first post on BLOGGAH! 8D But that wasn't the reason why I'm typing this post. I am here to RANT ON ANOTHER THING which had happened to me LOTSA times and I kinda got used to it now, but since I have a website to pour it all out, why not rant once in a while? :/

First school day of the week, a.k.a Sunday. The day started out well because of assembly, where the teachers notify us of new events and new rules, updated things etc. ... Niisssaaa was there on the front with other people, who were complete strangers to me, because they were part of this Charity Commitee and were doing this short 'presentation' about how we can help save Gaza. I hope I could spend QR100 on that or more this week. AMIN.

...Curse Israel. -.-

Anyways, the assembly was also great, too, because we moved on to another topic (Which I am very eager on doing) and that ees... *JREENGJREENG* RECYCLING. 8D

Oh no, I'm not eager to do that because the house that recycles most will receive an award -.-. GO OASIS! >D. It's just that I wanted to be a more environmentally-friendly person. Whee~. :) Of course, who can't remember the video that they made as a presentation for Recycling? I thought they did a really good job there. It made me laugh because parts of it were really random. I admired their good sense of humour. :D

And who knew Mr. Pemberton was filled with muscles? X.x That was a compliment BTW. D<

Right. So the thing I wanted to rant on was in Arabic. It wasn't a big deal or anything. But I get put off easily when people talk like this to me. Here goes the raant and the story~ :
I watched 'P' smoothly gathered Fara's long hair in her palms and neatly braided it as if she had done it millions of times. We were waiting for the Mrs. Dagher to finish explaining something to one of our classmates. As we waited, Fara just suddenly striked up a conversation.
"Oh, hey, Ardianty, wish me luck for tomorrow!" I was confused then because I did not get a single thing she said.
"What's happening tomorrow?"
"What?! I thought I sent it to you via text message."
"Och. Nevermind. Tomorrow I'm going to Dukhan for a football tournament and will be missing the whole school day. YAY ME! ^-^"
"OOOH! WOW! THAT'S GREAT! 8D" I said. I told her that I never knew she was selected to play in the tournament. She just joked about me not knowing how great she really was. Then 'P' interrupted.
"See? Fara's thin like you but she's good at Football. And you're thin too and you are nothing."
-___- Clearly, there was SOMETHING in that sentence that made me went berserk. I cannot stand it when people just say something offensive to me without any reason unless it was critiscm or something that would push me to try harder, such as 'Oh no, outline your artwork more often, because it just looks shabby without it' or 'To be honest, you shouldn't think too negative because it annoys me' but saying I'm nothing? WHAT THE--
Of course, without her knowing it, she taught me how to keep calm and still look cool while inside I was raging mad. I wasn't sure if she was joking or not and searched her face, but knowing that she was very aggressive and short-tempered, I tried to shrug it off. Maybe she WAS trying to push me to 'try harder' but just in a wrong way. Then she said something about my brains might be active, but my muscles are not.
I lightened up a bit because coming from her, this was something she'd say to make an argument easier.

"Well, with brains I can invent artificial muscles," I said.
"Shut up," she snapped, but I could tell she wasn't angry or anything. In fact, and I don't know how, but she seems to be telling me that I may have proved my point. o.o;
"You know, that does make sense," Fara pops in.


Oh yeah, at the end of the day, me and my friends decided that we should call 'him' (NUDGENUDGEWINKWINK @ Syania) Jafar from Aladdin. It seems funnier and better that way. XD

And only in English class did Fara realise that tomorrow would be the day our English Term 2 Exam will take place...


syania/bs said...

LOL when i saw this post i ws like o___O;;
i ddnt expect such a LONG NTRY! XD yay im nt alone in tht sort of thing! bt well u r th type tht cud type long stuff..

wow u got insulted like tht 0.0 i feel rele bad for u. stay strong ok! 8D it ws gud t hear u acted cool n calm *claps*

this ws very interesting

Anty said...

Well as a first post, I decided to make it a bit long with a paragraph saying 'YAY FIRST POST' and all.

But yeah, ty for the support... :D
That is y I decided to name it Jafar. BWHAHA. XD

syania/bs said...

btw dnt u wnt anymore followers bsides me? xD

Anty said...

Well I already added Caniaa as a follower. Maybe she'll find out that it's me and then she can follow me? xD

But really, I'm ok if I don't have tht much followers.


syania/bs said...

get some then >O

Anty said...

XD And the question is...


Anonymous said...

wow Pratiwi actuallly said tht to u?
well she's a bit mean. Well actually not a bit. ANd here u got a follower!!
P.S:-I need to get an account for myself soon enough

Anty said...


Yeah, but that was in the beginning of Year 7 or something, so now we're close. :D

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