Friday, December 4, 2009


SERIOUSLY. I've seen a site telling about this incident in China, where 3 kittens were found abused to death and was laid in front of their mother. It was SICK. It was sad, sadistic and inhumane, and I wonder why people do these things. I almost cried.

Even worse were the comments. Yes, most of the comments were positive and saying how we should stop abusing animals like this, but others were negative.

Some even said, "It's just 3 effing kittens, people. Wake up; it's 2009, f***tards."





Anyway, things are crumbling down on Earth. My family counts as well.

I know I shouldn't post this up in public but it's not like people actually read this blog anyway, so here goes nothing:

My sister suddenly seems so dark to me. She had a fight yesterday with mom and dad about going to the Souq with some of her friends. Mom won't let her of course, because she said she knew what those friends of my sis are like.

But my sister, of course, is stubborn and refuses everything unless it follows her way. So the fight went on and on, and no matter how patient and correct mom's argument was, sis still insists on going to the Souq. Eventually, things get lower and mom began to cry and sis shut herself in her room until she was 20 minutes late for her extra bio lessons in Nisa's house.

Dad let her go, though. So I overheard mom and dad sort of fighting with each other and I began to get scared. But they stopped eventually, and Dad won and let sis go, and my mom cried a bit more. Mom only wanted to protect my sis, I knew that. She had always given her freedom to go everywhere with her friends, and it seems like even one little disagreement could cause my sis to be mad.

So after sis's bio lesson, we took her to the souq, and when she left, she almost forgot to say goodbye and made mom even more upset.

Sometimes I wish my sis would think a bit and be more considerate.

After that we went there again to pick her up and wait there until we have to go to the airport and pick Carisa and Cania's family up. In the Souq, we saw lots of people sheesha-ing; it's like smoking, but it's flavoured with fruits like grapes and strawberry.

At the end. after we ate in a Malaysian restaurant with Indonesian stuffs in it, we stopped by a place selling sheeshas just to see these things up close. Then my sis said, "I sheesha-ed today, you know. With Abid, Sandy and the rest."

I was a bit shocked. Then she continued, "What? It's not my first time, really. I also sheesha-ed once in Hanis's sleepover."

And she looked kinda happy about it. But I was angry.

Sheeshas are supposed to be worse than smoking. In nicotine, in the smoke, in everything.

And Mom specifically told her not to do anything bad. And sis sheesha-ed, which meant she smoked in the souq.

Basically, I saw this as abusing her freedom, which mom already gave to her in defeat.

I don't know what else to say.

Sorry if I spelt 'sheesha' wrong. I really don't bother searching up the right spelling.

I'm off.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Nothing much.

Only, I think I grew more addicted to Hetalia and US/UK.

Oh, and I have an Arabic exam which I have not studied for much. T___T

There are so many things I'd like to say. I just can't figure out where to start.

Things are starting to get better? No?

To be honest, there's this other side of me I want to get rid of. It just never appears because I make it not appear, but inside these mean thoughts keep on appearing. I don't know why. D:

Enough blabbering nonsense. I shall dance.

If Fara Karim sees this, this is Ardianty. Just in case.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Of Faith and Doubt

Can I find Faith here?

It seems that I had almost lost my faith in, well... everything.

I dunno how it happened to be honest. It was probably because it was 'time', but I felt so doubtful of myself.

Of how I felt I wasn't good enough. It wasn't pressure, though. Just the feeling you get when you feel so useless in everything.

Gah gah gah gah gah.

It got so bad I cried twice this week. =u=;; Then I cried even harder for scolding myself that I'm just making it hard on myself for worrying over something what others consider 'small'.

Well, I dunno. Faith is important to me. I think we can cry over it sometimes, but not that often. When we feel like we're losing it of course.

And then I almost lost it when I thought about how my friends might abandon me. About how I will lose my best friends. And everyone else who I love so much. Then I realized that that is one of my worst fears.

Wait, I'm going off-base.

Ignore the last few paragraphs and lines. I don't think it makes much sense either.

The point is have faith in God before you have faith in yourself. I thought about that when I slept last night. It was sad, and I cried about how it feels, like I almost lost faith in Allah.

And I hate that about me. I don't ever want to stray far from Allah's side. I don't wanna be a hypocrite.

Oh yeah, last night I dreamt that I was about to pray in my sleep. Waking up it made me feel hopeful.

I also once had a dream where it was all dark and rainy. Then I prayed in my dream to Allah SWT that it would be bright and nice again, and it came true later on.

That also made me feel hopeful. :)


Okay so the thing that is important here is that

I have got my Faith back.

And we should all believe in ourselves.

But mostly believe in God.

--- ~ x 0 * x o ~ ---


Oh yeah, note to self:

a) think about what makes you feel sad and emo all of a sudden and see the main cause of it. If it is from small things like school grades and competitions -andignoredfanfics- DO NOT GET WORKED UP.

b) SING. It makes you feel better. Begin singing with doors closed so you could shout at full blast without disturbing family with your terribly awesome voice. (Y) It boosts confidence, I suppose.

c) Publishing fanfics may break your heart. But keep on going anyways, and share your ideas.

If they don't read it may as well be their loss, haha *slaps*.

*OH YEAH I just published one and this time I got 3 reviews. 8D That's good considering it's a one-shot and most one-shots have an average of maybe 3-5 reviews*

*OH YEAH the best I've done was a fic with 4 chapters so far with 21 reviews YAY. That's like, five reviews-ish on each chapter *brags* *

d) Read and look at other people's works and comment about it. They might appreciate it and help appreciate your works too. (Y)

e) Act like yourself. Do what you want to do at school, speak your mind. That's the reason why you LMAO everyday after-school!

f) Believe. In yourself and other people.

g) Treat Bibil nicely. Don't get too close. Warning.


AlthoughI'dappreciateitifyoudidhahahahahahahahahaha *SHOT*

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tacsuto Ocisal

Social Outcast. That's me.

voice. Any voice. Right now. I choose Blogger to rant instead of LJ because I know I can count on some people to comment and give their 'voices'. D:

And ranting. I want to rant how it's only 3 weeks of school and I'm already missing Year 7 because that's the year when I first entered QIS and started off as a Social Outcast like I am right now. But very different. Last year, I can start over new. I can make better first impressions and create new friends.

But I am gradually getting quieter every day. See why 'cuz this is killing me as I rant on.

I think I bore people out. Whenever I'm stuck with one person, be it either from the same group as the one I usually hang out with or not, we'd find both of us in silence for a while before one of us says something completely out of the blue (Whichwouldusuallybeme :-D) . It's like I don't have any topics to talk about. Which leads me to the next one on the list of Why-I-Be-So-SO:

I think I'm uninteresting. Because I CAN'T THINK OF ANY TOPIC TO TALK ABOUT. My life? Very unexciting. I mean, what does an average kid do in their everyday life? Me? I DO VERY BORING STUFFS AND I ENGROSS MY SELF IN THEM. Meaning; I enjoy doing what I want to do even though they're quite boring. Then I come into school and my pals talk about something so awesome and I just stand there and listen, having nothing to talk about. I feel lame.

My likes and dislikes. While my friends like stuffs like... like... any Western bands (They're cool, don't get me wrong), I go for KPop. Very different stuff to what my friends like. Then I like anime. So far, only two pals o mine like anime and I'm not interested that much in what they watch. >___<>
My reluctance to speak. Because, like the first and second, I might say something completely boring. But then I ask myself: is keeping quiet as boring as saying something 'not catchy'? :\ I'm not a good source of jokes, but I love making my friends laugh everyday with my... er... actually I don't really get how we're able to laugh our guts out, but I'm happy that I could be the reason why my friends laugh. And I hope that I get to do that more often, preferrably almost every day of school, insyallah.

My high level of... err, introvertism @_@. It got so bad that I refuse nearly all invitations from my friends and I want to punish myself for being so hesitant. The reason why I'm not very enthusiastic when it comes to parties is that I know as one that I get easily left out and ignored in a group. My evanescence. It's very horrible and tough. So, why come, when it wouldbe like spending my night mostly alone? Well, it doesn't always turn out that way though, thank God. Right now, a friend of mine is thinking about holding a beach party. I want to go so bad. But then I thought, how they just talk about it in front of me but seeming to say it without addressing me at all, I wonder if I am invited? Some friends I got. Some friend I am. And I suppose I don't like myself more than anyone at this moment for being such a scared little puss last year.

It is very obvious. It is slightly embarrassing, even though no one really cares to notice. I would be the one sticking out of my group at the edge of the circle we usually form. Ocha says it too. She pointed that out to me that I looked like a loner. I said aloud that I refused in believing that.
But I know, even before she told me, I am the odd one out. Not in.
Basically, I'm ranting about myself. And I'm quite upset about it; probably the reason why I'm losing my appetite these days. Even though in school I smile. :) I'll just have to try harder, don't I?



*rummages through google to find some USxUK and GerIta pics*


Well, wotevah. To make up the lack of Yoy Hetalia pics, I present to you Hetalia icons by LiveJournal. X))
No, wait, this is very cute Bromance between lil' USxUK. 8D

Austria and Hungary. One of the straight couples in Hetalia ^-^.

Right, I has homework to complete, and it is 9.45 PM. 8).

Did I mention how fun History is with Hetalia on your mind?

*is dead*


Friday, June 19, 2009

I wouldn't call it 'Fangirl-ing'...

Hi hi, it has been a long time since I actually posted up here. Where did I left this blog hanging? Oh right, the poetry thingy. It was just to kill time. xD

Anyways, for the past two or three months, I've been to Indonesia on the 2nd May. My grandmother died, and she was my favourite. D': I cried hard. But I moved on. Now I don't cry when I remember my grandma (not to sound mean) but it does give me sad memories of her. But it's okay. She went 'home' to Allah SWT now. :')

That's what my Uncle texted to Mom while we're still in Doha. It went something like this:

Ndet (my mom's nick), Mama sudah pulang. Doa-in ya!

My mom thought it was some kind of a joke because the words were slang-ish. xD When she told this to my grandfather, aunt, uncle and my other aunt in Bandung, we all laughed because we saw the funny side of this, but the tears were still on all our faces. Grandpa just told the story of how calmly and trouble-free my Grandma died. He always said that she didn't want to trouble people on her death. And that's what she got, because I knew Allah was by her side.

Grannie was really religious. She'd hold pengajians, like, once every 2-3 weeks or something! I'll miss that - pemgajian won't be the same without her. Now my grandpa lives only with my maid, aunt and her new baby. Isn't it weird? When I was in Indonesia the summer before, Grandma was there while my new baby cousin isn't. Now... it's the opposite. My new baby cousin called 'Keiko' is born and my grandma left.

I dunno how to describe it. Irony? Or something like, nothing stays forever, but memories could last, or something corny like that. xD

I almost cried when I typed about my Grandma, but anyways, back to the happier stories!
In Jakarta, I played Hotel626 with my cousins. They freaked out, including me, and to make matters worse was the fact that our house in Jakarta used to be a Chinese graveyard. 0__0;

Did you know, at around 2:00 in the morning, we could hear someone bathing in the back of our house? And it happened since a very long time--like, since dad was very little. It could be a broken saluran air, but it might be someone from their 'underground bed'...

Anyhoos, when I came back, not much happened. Just revising and revising and revising, and look at the day now! I already started my final exams. Thursday went great - History, French and Arabic were pieces of cake. :D

English description went well (until I found out that my friends wrote more than what I did, and it kinda ruined my self-confidence D:), but the reading...


And guess what it is? Cania and Ocha will know this because IT IS...

P A N D O R A H E A R T S~ ~ ~

Lolol, blame Ocha. She had me hooked.

To BiiEsh: The following paragraphs might seem like nonsense to you, but it is when you don't have a clue on what PH is, 'kay? xD Though I'm not sure, Ocha never said anything about you ever watching PH so this was just a mere warning...

And my favourite character? It be GILBERT [Raven] NIGHTRAY~
Why? Because he's cute *andhot* at the same time, and very loyal, and amusing when he's mad and also when he's embarassed haha. xD

Oh, no, I'm still bery faithful to Junsu-oppa and the rest of DBSK. But now, my focus is on PH. The storyline is really interesting, and it wasn't what I expected because...

When Ocha said Pandora HEARTS it reminds me of a shoujou series, so I wasn't really interested, and the fact she said that Alice was cute made it more shojou. XD XD

No offence, 'kay Ocha? D: It's just... even this bouncy, not-tomboyish and kinda girly girl I met likes it, so it kinda gave me the impression that the series was shojou and cheesy and... yeah. xD Forgive me for judging on first appearance. I was shallow-minded. X.x

Yes, well, call me insane for obsessing over an anime guy, but you can meet lots of otaku girls my age who crushes over imaginary guys. xP

Oh, and my favourite pairing is currently GilxAlice. X___x Yes, Cania and Ocha who supports OzxAlice, my point of view is really weird so please don't judge. I just thought that they looked cute together when they argue and like Ichigo and Rukia from Bleach, that's how they show their care for each other. I don't like them despising over each other... I just hope they communicate more closer to each other, ya know what I mean? xD

Close people tend to find that they argue over some things, too~ xD

Okay, well, ta-ta, if you read this before I upload some pics, I MIGHT edit this and upload some pics later, but I can't right now since it's almost 12.

Oh and today I had fun with Och & Rania at Rania's house. :D Oh yah, today, Ocha made a blogger account and Rania and me made a convo whilst Ocha was gone. Go speculate their blogs.


Friday, April 3, 2009

Messageless Poetry.

[NOTE: If you are somehow amused with this entry, or think it's alright and not too boring, MAKE YOUR OWN HAIKU/POEM IN YOUR COMMENTS pl0x]

It's a Friday night as I write this, and I was supposed to be at Muaither. Was supposed. But then in the car, as we drove to pick Ard up from the Green Guitar I thought 'What the heck! I have, like, projects to do!'

Mom was baffled to see me back at home. She expected me to go to Muaither with Dad. But oh well. I HAVE SUCCEEDED IN REALISING WHAT RESPONSIBLITIES I HAD. POWER!!!1

Anyways, I'm multitasking in eating, Blogging and doing my Geography project. w00t. But since today I just blog to hide my despair -thereasonwasbecauseIpurposelymademyselfnottogotoMuaither- and there are no particular topic(s) to rant about, I shall discuss poetry, because I am highly bored.

I shall start with a haiku. You know what a haiku is? No?

Haiku : (n) is a form of Japanese poetry, consisting of 17 morae, in three metrical phrases of 5, 7, 5.

That's very easy.
Do you understand haiku?
Make one up yourself.

^ FAIL. Oh wait, here's another one :

This is a haiku.
Sometimes haiku don't make sense.

Okay, I shall cut that out right now. BTW The plural of haiku is haiku.

I remember one time, in Year 5, we were assigned with partners to create our own poems up in pairs. I still remember the first part of me and my friend's poem. You want me to recite it? No? Well here it is, anyways. :D :

There was a boy who's name was Tim,
His friends were very mean to him.
They made him tea with spices in,
And threw him in the garbage bin.

I was relieved when the class gave a few chuckles. XD It was meant to be funny, but I doubted it when we wrote it. Maybe you felt the same way. Not funny, I meant. But the poem I admire most at this stage is Jonathan Reed's Lost Generation. I'm not sure if everyone knows it, but I think it deserves to be known by other people in this society. *lolwt

I am part of a lost generation
and I refuse to believe that
I can change the world
I realize this may be a shock but
“Happiness comes from within.”
is a lie, and
“Money will make me happy.”
So in 30 years I will tell my children
they are not the most important thing in my life
My employer will know that
I have my priorities straight because
is more important than
I tell you this
Once upon a time
Families stayed together
but this will not be true in my era
This is a quick fix society
Experts tell me
30 years from now, I will be celebrating the 10th anniversary of my divorce
I do not concede that
I will live in a country of my own making
In the future
Environmental destruction will be the norm
No longer can it be said that
My peers and I care about this earth
It will be evident that
My generation is apathetic and lethargic
It is foolish to presume that
There is hope.

And all of this will come true unless we choose to reverse it .

Read the message, then read it again in reverse, line by line.

Which generation do you belong in?


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Are You Gonna Cry?

Are You Gonna Cry?

This week had been a field of sloping hills. I enjoyed the views at the top, but then eventually, I had to come down, before going up again.

The Art above belongs to Tokunaga-1 at DA. Her arts are really cute. Especially this one. :3 I have been obsessing over Len for a few days. Or maybe a couple of weeks since I lost count. Kokoro-Kiseki touched my heart completely. RINxLEN FOREVAAAH~ I even made a fanart of them to prove my loyalty to that mentioned pairing MWAHAHAHA.

Sunday was hectic and sad. The school day was normal I suppose. A bit quieter than usual, but overall I thought it was okay. At home, things changed drastically. I was frustrated. I cried because of my own selfish reasons. It was because of my Maths homework. I am ashamed of how I reacted then, but I shall rant about it now. After tackling the first few easy exercises, I realised that as I dug deeper into my homework, it got harder and more challenging (Duh.). Giving up on the question that had got me baffled, I went to Mom to seek assistance. And so she did help me. After a few more questions, I asked for help again and she continued to help me. Then there came the moment when she was very stressed out and depressed that day and I found the wrong time to get a tantrum. I asked her for help (again) and she sighed "Give me a scrap paper" I just grabbed a random paper since I was blinded by frustration and turns out it was a clean one. Then, because I was really mad I 'absent-mindedly' crumpled it. My mom didn't like seeing me act so rough so she started crying because of depression. I cried along because I was the one who made her cry. Feeling ashamed, we didn't talk a while after that. Then I apologised to her. She brightened up and we hugged for a while. She said she was actually crying for another reason.

I felt relieved then, but before that Dad got angry and made me feel worse. -____- I don't blame him. I should blame myself. I realised we drifted (Me and Dad) apart for a few days because of that disruption. But yesterday, I think, we reunited again. Feeling so messed up and wanting to apologise so bad (I haven't even thought about how to apologise yet) I anxiously asked him about our Umrah trip. That broke the barrier, and we started to talk again. Alhamdullillah :) . Thank you, for giving me the chance to correct my wrongs. Thank you for breaking the wall between me and my parents. :)

Monday to Tuesday was okay. In fact, those couple of days were better than Sunday. Monday was normal. Tuesday we watched a movie in Islamic aout the Prophet Muhammad SAW. The movie was very inspirational. Somehow, the words that the Prophet actually spoken seemed to have a great impact on me, and almost broke me down in sniffles. xD

Wednesday was Environmental Day though I didn't bother pick a dress to wear. I didn't mind going through the day without AC. It was a cool day, anyway. I had to think about Piano since I didn't practice much, but it turned out better than I expected.

Thursday, today, it rained. But only lightly. Drip, drip, stop. Drip, drip and another pause. I wanted it to drizzle harder. OH THE EMO-NESS I CONCEAL INSIDE MY SOUL~

Today we watched a movie in History for a change. :D I think the complaints and moanings and whinings of my class had sank deep into Mr. Firth. Dx But oh well, the documentary wasn't so bad I guess.

I also want to talk about an interesting dream I had with 'The Wonder'. I regretted having to wake up without getting a conclusion to my dream, since my dream was at its most exciting and happy point when my mom, our alarm system, woke us up. -___- Right.

There are two parts to my dream where he was in it.
I shall tell the first part first, and the last part last. P:

It was drizzling outside, just like it was this morning, only much harder. The classroom was noisy, despite the fact that we had loads to do. We were all waiting for the break bell to ring.

Tick tock tick tock.


We were dismissed. I was a slow-packer; making sure that all my books go in my bag neatly and carefully, and was the last one to emerge from the class. Standing in front of me was The Wonder himself. Our eyes had locked for two seconds. 1... 2... And the contact broke. He reunited with his friends, leaving me into deep thoughts of my own and feeling empty. After all, like I said, every contact we had with each other would probably always be coincidences or accidents, anyways. I looked up, just for a chance to see him looking back. And I saw him, staring at me for a little bit. His mouth twitched a little before he gave a warm yet brief smile at me and then he went with his friends, while I was left, feeling happy and somehow boisterous inside.

Funny how I described that in a paragraph, when the truth is, it only took a couple of seconds. XD
I'm too lazy to describe the second part. >_>
This was written on Thursday BTW so if it says 'Like how it rained today' it meant how it rained on Thursday.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Sorry for the long and dull post.

Dull. That's how I felt when I'm writing this post. Dull.

My sister's off to IA in Al-Khor. Let's hope she'd get me some souvenirs. I would imagine DBSK dropping off randomly in the desert and distributed free goody-bags to the wanderers.

Exam week now. ARGH at mah arabic. Thot I was gonna fail. Tho I guess I didn't do that bad. I mean 76 out of 80 ain't that bad, right? Oh yeah, I got a 7C in Maths! WHEE!~

This week so far was indeed very interesting. On Sunday, we did Maths Test, Paper 1. The teacher assigned me, Nadhira, Cora, Mareesha, Ruba, Sharinia, Raghda, Naila and I forgot who else to do the 5-7 Paper. I felt proud of course, that we were selected to do this because we're on the higher rankings of Set 1. PRESSURE. Oh, and we did our Arabic test. I also didn't feel quite like myself that day and I didn't laugh as much as I do on normal days.


normal days : (n. pl.) Days in Ardianty's life when she feels peculiarly hyper and concludes the school day with a cheerful smile because she had laughed with her friends whenever possible. Hard.

I suck at making up definitions.

I found the non-calculator paper easier than the one which allows calculators. 0_o

Monday changed everything. The 1st and 2nd period were boredomsville. Since it was Walkathon Day, and we had to come to school in our school colours, I decided to wear a plain, casual long-sleeved, green shirt to school. My friends thought it was boring and too blank. I saw it as a way to protect myself from the Sun's dangerous laser beams. :D

After 1st Break, we got into the hall so we could be informed about the Walk-a-thon and how we'd be split into groups (Which I found useless because most of us went our own separate ways, anyway. -____-). I couldn't help but hope I'd be in the same group as him though. But ALAS dreams were nothing but fantasy. But oh, well, walking for over an hour with friends that keep you amused couldn't be so bad right? At least, that's what I thought when I swung my cap enthustiastically as we left.

Bumped into BS as we headed out the gate. She talked about how she didn't seem to like it so far. I'm sorry I kept quiet >.< . I was listening and was searching for some words to say, but before I could reply she vanished like the wind~ Well, not exactly vanished, she thought I didn't like her walking with me. -___-; Ah well, seeing as there was no use of talking to an invisible Syania, I moved to my friends and we talked (Me and Sharinia talked about the Pythagoras theory. o.o) for... What? 10 minutes? until we started to proceed with the Walk-a-thon. I couldn't catch a glimpse of Rajaf then, but I shrugged it off. God knows, perhaps I would be close enough to walk in his footsteps. That would all come in later on. ;)

Pratiwi, Jana, Farahana and Nikkaela went ahead, linking arms together in front of me and Sharinia, who were too engrossed with talking about plotting ways of causing traffic accidents along the walk. Waving to the drivers came first in our minds. A simple greeting may lead to an unimaginable terror. Mufufufufu... Oh yeah, there were 'Paparazzis' too. As one took a picture of our group I ended up grinning and waving at one. After he took a shot he fled. Literally. As if he was afraid he would get caught 0__o. I shall be looking forward to see my picture posted in Gulf Times, bwaha.

Right, 45 minutes into the walk, I was talking with Farahana and Pratiwi and Sharinia about how tough schools were in Malaysia and Indonesia. We talked about how if we forgot our Maths book in Malaysia, we'd get punished by being hit. Somewhere on our body. Didn't want to ask where. XD A few minutes later after that thought, I looked ahead and amongst the sea of colourful clothings, I saw... THE WONDER.

Yes, the wonder, with the super-manly font of italics and pink ink, and he was walking with no one other than BS herself. I was happy for you then, BS. ;O Anyways, there was hope. After that, Sharinia and Pratiwi and Farahana went ahead while I was stuck walking alone. Of course that gave me an opportunity to daydream about him. I imagined that we were together, walking not that close, but the distance was close enough for two men to stretch out their arms; one beside the other. I would dream that I was the only one he knew at that time in that area, and his other friends were far ahead of us. Then (to my astonishment, even in a dream) something in his mind would make him utter, "Stay with me" and I would look at him and see his eyes, staring back at me filled with seriousness and stuffs I could not describe because I was too giddy back then, and witness him address me with such... sentiment? EEEEEEEE. XDXDXD I GOTTA GET A HOLD OF MYSELF. D<

But that would never happen because I'm sure he's the type of guy who would always be surrounded by his cool friends, or even if he did get lost or alone, he wouldn't ask a more-than-stranger but less-than-acquaintance type of person to accompany him. POOH.

Nikkaela and Jana followed up to me and we did get some laughs and all, but as they started quarrelling and making a fuss-as they often did-I decided to go my own way. I kept my head down and I couldn't see what's in front of me because of the shade of my cap, so I walked and walked... Until I found myself walking less than 2 metres away from him. SQUEAAAL! XD EEK EEK AHHH.

Our eyes met twice ya know HHAHA.

The moment ended after 5 minutes and Nikkala and Jana abducted me; whisked me away from the small distance me and him were from each other. But no worries. I could still spy on him. ;) Nothing happened after that, just the fact that we turned back to school. Boy, I never thought I would be so glad to se the sign 'Qatar Intenational School' loom overhead. >_> Halfway there, Nikkaela accidentally sprayed some water at my feet, and perhaps it was the heat that took over me, and as I looked down I plainly muttered at the puddle of water 'Hey, I wet myself.'

Nikkaela bursted.

I ATE PIZZAAA!!!!!!1 But I wanted another slice, one chicken shawarma and a first-class table to sit on. ); Grass came into my Coke. I dumped the sad remainings into a trash can before I recyled the can. At least the grass had some decent drink.

How am I going to survive this weekend as an only child.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


And we forgot all about our Football Match.

Tuesday. a.k.a the day before Wednesday and after Monday. The day before my piano lesson and my science test. The day when I have PE first thing in the morning. But it's the day when I saw it for the first time in my life, not caged up behind bars or being viewed through man-made and electronical screens...

Right. I'll talk about that last because for me it was indeed a fascinating and rare encounter, ok? So now, I am supposed to be studying my Science test, but figured out I shall have little breaks here and there and decided to continue with this inbetween each studying session. Organised? Nope. Not really. Since I only do studying for up to 30 minutes each session and 15 minutes break. Anyways, school was fun in breaktimes and in hometimes, as usual. Laughing so hard until I fall is a daily thing for me at school. My friends keep laughing at my reflexes. They always poke me and attempt to tickle me on my sides, which causes me to dodge quick. Apparently, without me thinking about it, the way I dodge makes my friends laugh. Which makes me laugh harder, too. :) I wish life would be like that everyday. Which was why weekends are often boring for me. -.- So I almost always beg my parents to come with me for a drive or just to explore some parts new in Doha. xD

AHEM. Enough chat about my weekends now. Yesterday was weird. Some random dudes who works for the Americana Company distributed packets of Shots (DUAZ DUAZ) around the school. They were biscuits in tiny packets. At least, the packets seemed tiny, but most of us in my classroom found that it took FOREVER to finish one packet of biscuits. X_x Yeah, well, I think the Shots were some new products and they were advertising it. IN OUR SCHOOL!!!!1 :D

Who knows? Maybe we were filmed by a camera then for a commercial...

MOVING ON FROM THEN, nothing interesting happened afterwards except that today I haven't caught that much glimpse of *TOENG* until Islamic Class. I thought *TOENG* was absent but I was relieved that he wasn't HEHEHYHE. Oh yah, we started the Term 2 English Exam 'All Aboard'. It's a reading paper and mostly all about the Dangers at Sea. Ooooo... 0.0

Now that I had mentioned all there was to say, I shall now talk about what I've been meaning to talk about in the beginning of this boring entry.

Tuesday morning was a bit colder than usual. I checked in my car's built-in thermometer that it read 16 degrees Celcius. And I've lost my jumper. Crap. But that didn't bother me much. 16 was OK for me, and it didn't stop me from doing PE first thing in the morning. PFFFT Who'd skip PE just because they lost their jumpers anyway? We started the period with a bit of warm-up (A lap around the football field) and I managed to make my friends laugh by starting off by doing a sort-of-cartoonish jog. We did a few football passing practices and after that, the teacher (Mrs. Williams. I wonder how many months is it until her daughter is due? :\) sorted us out into teams of 4-5.

"Right, Noha, you stand behind Ardianty. Farahana, go to Tala's team, please. Maryam, you go to--" then she paused. The field was silent as we all waited for her to continue. What was it? Has she heard something? Did she catch a glimpse of danger in a part of the school? Has the baby inside her womb reacted a few months earlier (Well, that was my friend's dirty thought)?

Then she exclaimed, "Whoa! Look at that bird!"

SO far from what everyone else was thinking.

The whole class turned around and spotted something... spotty, leaping on the dull green grass of the football field, just several meters away from us. I held my breath. It wasn't majestic or whatever. It wasn't a golden eagle or something incredibly eye-catching. In fact, it was small enough to fit in two cupped hands and it could be left unnoticed even if we were sharp and wary of our surroundings.

That was if we were English people.

Because you see, England has woods. Woods have trees. Trees have... Well, woods. xD And what likes to peck and make holes in woods?

Continuing from where I left, the bird had a spotted feather (Yes, it was different from the one in the picture) and red tufts on its head. It continued hopping around for a bit and paused, sensing our existance. A bit more cautiously now, it moved away a bit further down until it can peck away on the ground peacefully with its long and pointed beak. Fine, it wasn't that long, but we can make out the outline of it from several meters away, so I assume it was longer than an average small bird's like a sparrow.

"Hey, does anyone have any cameraphones or anything?" the teacher, to my astonishment, have asked. Tala raised her hand up and dashed quickly away to fetch it.

"Why are we making such a big deal out of this?" Najla asked. I didn't care because I was mesmerised by the unique pattern on its feathers.

"Don't you know?" Mrs. Williams raised her eyebrows, "Well, I'm not sure if I'm right either, and it may have escaped from a zoo or its owner currently living here, but if I'm not wrong..."

The whole class edged closer a bit to the bird, but slowly and quietly and still managed to keep around 20 meters apart. It was as if we all forgot about our mini-football match.

"I think what we're seeing right now is a real English Woodpecker."

... I think our PE session had been turned into a National Geography Show...

Sunday, March 1, 2009


AT LAST, my reader(s), I have successfully typed up mah first post on BLOGGAH! 8D But that wasn't the reason why I'm typing this post. I am here to RANT ON ANOTHER THING which had happened to me LOTSA times and I kinda got used to it now, but since I have a website to pour it all out, why not rant once in a while? :/

First school day of the week, a.k.a Sunday. The day started out well because of assembly, where the teachers notify us of new events and new rules, updated things etc. ... Niisssaaa was there on the front with other people, who were complete strangers to me, because they were part of this Charity Commitee and were doing this short 'presentation' about how we can help save Gaza. I hope I could spend QR100 on that or more this week. AMIN.

...Curse Israel. -.-

Anyways, the assembly was also great, too, because we moved on to another topic (Which I am very eager on doing) and that ees... *JREENGJREENG* RECYCLING. 8D

Oh no, I'm not eager to do that because the house that recycles most will receive an award -.-. GO OASIS! >D. It's just that I wanted to be a more environmentally-friendly person. Whee~. :) Of course, who can't remember the video that they made as a presentation for Recycling? I thought they did a really good job there. It made me laugh because parts of it were really random. I admired their good sense of humour. :D

And who knew Mr. Pemberton was filled with muscles? X.x That was a compliment BTW. D<

Right. So the thing I wanted to rant on was in Arabic. It wasn't a big deal or anything. But I get put off easily when people talk like this to me. Here goes the raant and the story~ :
I watched 'P' smoothly gathered Fara's long hair in her palms and neatly braided it as if she had done it millions of times. We were waiting for the Mrs. Dagher to finish explaining something to one of our classmates. As we waited, Fara just suddenly striked up a conversation.
"Oh, hey, Ardianty, wish me luck for tomorrow!" I was confused then because I did not get a single thing she said.
"What's happening tomorrow?"
"What?! I thought I sent it to you via text message."
"Och. Nevermind. Tomorrow I'm going to Dukhan for a football tournament and will be missing the whole school day. YAY ME! ^-^"
"OOOH! WOW! THAT'S GREAT! 8D" I said. I told her that I never knew she was selected to play in the tournament. She just joked about me not knowing how great she really was. Then 'P' interrupted.
"See? Fara's thin like you but she's good at Football. And you're thin too and you are nothing."
-___- Clearly, there was SOMETHING in that sentence that made me went berserk. I cannot stand it when people just say something offensive to me without any reason unless it was critiscm or something that would push me to try harder, such as 'Oh no, outline your artwork more often, because it just looks shabby without it' or 'To be honest, you shouldn't think too negative because it annoys me' but saying I'm nothing? WHAT THE--
Of course, without her knowing it, she taught me how to keep calm and still look cool while inside I was raging mad. I wasn't sure if she was joking or not and searched her face, but knowing that she was very aggressive and short-tempered, I tried to shrug it off. Maybe she WAS trying to push me to 'try harder' but just in a wrong way. Then she said something about my brains might be active, but my muscles are not.
I lightened up a bit because coming from her, this was something she'd say to make an argument easier.

"Well, with brains I can invent artificial muscles," I said.
"Shut up," she snapped, but I could tell she wasn't angry or anything. In fact, and I don't know how, but she seems to be telling me that I may have proved my point. o.o;
"You know, that does make sense," Fara pops in.


Oh yeah, at the end of the day, me and my friends decided that we should call 'him' (NUDGENUDGEWINKWINK @ Syania) Jafar from Aladdin. It seems funnier and better that way. XD

And only in English class did Fara realise that tomorrow would be the day our English Term 2 Exam will take place...