Monday, November 28, 2011

DT vs. Art

**In this post Anty throws in some baku indonesian phrases because she wants to and she can, and if you could bear with her politely that would be very kind of you


I don't know why I took DT.

I shouldn't really say this because I'm not /horrible/ at it. At least, not in the technical drawing bits and the sketchings and renderings. I don't think my ideas are bad either but they're never good enough - because in DT you have to consider how others will take it. Will others buy your idea? Will your product be able to complete all the requirements and fulfill all of the criteria, but still have that extra umf in it that makes it go far? How are you going to make it? And to me, personally: Are you sure you're able to make it?

I guess I took DT because people have always suggested to take DT in support of art and vice versa. Ma and Pa helped to add to the pull factor by saying 'Anty, you should take DT because that would help in architecture and we're sure you're good at DT and designing buildings.'

'Also, Anty, I think you have more potential in DT. Taking art is too time-consuming; why don't you drop art instead? But we won't push you to drop art. Do what you want to make you happy.'

'What? You're thinking of dropping DT for history? And only take art? ... YA UDALAH, TERSERAH KAMU SAJA, yang penting kamu bisa. Emangnya kau yakin mampu?? Kenapa gak ngambil DT aja and drop art?'

'You want to drop art instead? ... Katanya mau nge-drop DT. ... Ya, terserah kamu, deh. Just make up your mind.'

'You want to keep both?? APA2AN, SIH, IT WILL BE TOO TIRING, DO YOU KNOW??'

This is basically what happened during the first week of school. I'm really glad that my parents are satisfied with what I'm doing now (I've somewhat proved that I'm good at art, and I like doing the subject and this is all that matters) because I was all stressed out that what I've decided won't work out. I'm glad I didn't drop art. And I couldn't have dropped DT for history, anyway, due to the blocks being changed and what-not and it drove me mental but that was how it was.

OKAY, HAVE I LOST YOU YET?? I PROBABLY HAVE. If you're reading this I appreciate that you are sticking through this little rant of mine mmuuaacchh

/shot /sejak kapan sih anty started making kissy faces at her followers

I shouldn't blame it on my parents completely, and I don't want to blame them at all because maybe it's never their fault. They were, uhh, strongly suggesting me to take DT, but... ;~;

Okay, wait, the objective of this post is to convey my current struggle with DT without blaming anybody, especially my parents, because it really depresses me to point my finger at them when they just wanted the best for me (even though I didn't agree with their career of choice BUT THIS IS NOT ABOUT THAT ANYMORE) SO:

DT is hard because it's almost like a combination between business studies and designing. It's hard for me because I can't be pressed to think of great designs for products whilst considering if it's good enough to catch the attention of others whilst thinking about how I'm actually building the stuff irl. Because I'm not good at building the thing, even if it is out of cardboard and other simple materials. And applying mechanisms and other nifty bits? Ogah, ah.

I do, however, like how it increases my appreciation to simple products and designs, because even if they may seem plain, people still take the time to think of how practical it is and how many ways it can be used and stuff.

Of course, in art you should make the standard of your work pleasing to the examiner's eyes. The idea should be interesting as well, but if we move away from all the exams and academic stuff, art is all about you. Art is any way you want it to be and whatever message you want it to project through many different mediums, and you could make art that is just for yourself, or you could make it so that others could see it and make their own interpretation of it, but you're probably not going to care if they 'don't buy it' --

Unless you're a cartoonist and your comics don't sell much.

Or if you illustrate a lot but the person you work for isn't terribly pleased with your work

Oh. Now this is getting confusing.

In short, art > dt in my opinion. I've lost all legitimate arguments on why I think so, but there you go.

Also, I know I've expressed my frustrations towards DT a lot in my tweets, but I hope there's some sort of hope and I will overcome this... block... and will be a creative and innovative craftswoman.


This is a badly-written post in which I find that I don't reach any conclusion in the end. It is also simultaneously a post in which I have lost my point halfway through writing it. Usually I would scrap posts like this before I even publish it, but I've decided to post it anyway for some apparent reason.


The more you know.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

80 Journal Prompts

I'm actually sort of happy to see that people are still using their Blogger accounts? :3 I don't know, seeing you people creating deep posts or amusing entries about your days just inspires me to write something here, bluhuh.

BUT OH WILL YOU LOOK AT IT my blog posts are often made up of brief and sentimental rants, which should really (because I'm very clever LOLNOTRELE and observed the differences between people's personal posts on Tumblr and posts on Blogger ) belong on places like tumblr. But whatever, blogger is a far more comfy place to vent out my personal frustrations, unpopular opinions and stuff.

Lulz, this post has no purpose really, other than to post the 80 Journal Prompts as promised in the title. So, here they are, and feel free to use them, too, for whenever you feel like opening blogger but can't find a good topic to rant about! :)) :

*What 5 websites do you visit often, and why?
  • Name a totally useless possession and how you came to acquire it.
  • What music album would be used for a movie about your life?
  • List your bad habits and/or addictions and what you have tried to rid yourself of them.
  • If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be, and what would you do if later on you changed your mind?
  • What are your religious beliefs? Have they changed, or have they always stayed the same?
  • When was your last food craving, and what did you crave?
  • Who was your first crush and what made them special?
  • Name your most cherished childhood memory.
  • Turn to an entry in your journal or diary from a year or more ago. What has changed and what has stayed the same since then?
  • What is one thing nobody knows about you because nobody ever cared to ask?
  • Robert Frost write a poem titled The Road Not Taken. Name a road you’ve always wanted to travel. Where do you hope it takes you, and what might you see on the way?
  • Name one thing you always wanted to do, but haven’t. What has prevented you from doing it?
  • Write about your first kiss. Was it everything you wished or hoped it would be?
  • What was the worst mistake or decision you have ever made in life? What could you have done differently?
  • What song was stuck in your head recently, and what were you doing at the time that made you think of it?
  • Describe 5 things you want to see or do before it’s too late.
  • Write about something you now know that you wish you knew earlier in life. How could this knowledge have helped you?
  • Write about your greatest fear.
  • Name one thing you feel brings out the good in people.
  • Describe a time in your life when everything turned out fine, despite the odds.
  • If you invented a device that could fix one problem you are facing right now, would you use it? What problem would you like to solve?
  • Write about the last time you spoke to your best friend. What did you talk about?
  • Describe a time you felt alone.
  • Name something you found; what was it and where did you find it?
  • What’s on your calendar for tomorrow?
  • What is the most annoying sound you have ever heard?
  • Describe your first job.
  • What is the one thing you cannot live without?
  • Quote the nicest thing anyone has ever said about you.
  • Are you afraid of the dark? Why or why not?
  • Describe the longest amount of time you have ever been away from home.
  • Write about a recent adventure or travels.
  • Who did you idolize growing up?
  • Name a celebrity or famous person you wish would take you out on a date.
  • Describe your daily routine when you get out of bed in the morning.
  • What was the longest amount of time you have spent waiting on line for something? What was it, and was it worth the wait?
  • Name one thing you have always been good at doing.
  • What is your favorite season, and why?
  • What was the title of the last book you read?
  • List your biggest regrets.
  • Have you ever seen a ghost?
  • Describe your note-taking style and habits.
  • Do you believe that we are all here for a reason? What might the reason be?
  • What comes to mind when someone uses the phrase prolonging the magic?
  • Have you ever done something just to feel the danger, or to feel alive?
  • What is your favorite cliché?
  • What are all your thoughts on god?
  • How do rainy days make you feel?
  • What is the most amount of money you have had at one time?
  • Write a celebrity crush list.
  • What is the most amazing thing you have ever seen, heard, or experienced?
  • What effect does music have on you?
  • What did you learn today? What did you learn yesterday?
  • What 5 traits do people first notice when they meet you for the first time?
  • Have you ever carved your name or initials into a tree or stone?
  • Democracy, communism, or socialism? Defend your choice.
  • Does Never Never Land really exist?
  • Where is a great place to get breakfast?
  • List 3 things that went right (or wrong) today.
  • What is the best method of travel, and in what ways have you traveled?
  • If you could tell the world just one thing, what would it be?
  • What were your best and worst subjects in school or college?
  • Describe the most outrageous thing anyone has dared you to do.
  • Ice cream: chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry?
  • What historical events happened the year you were born?
  • Pick up a random object that has special meaning to you and describe it in as much detail as possible.
  • Write about a recent visit to a museum or art gallery.
  • What food items do you consider staples in a well-balanced diet?
  • Describe your feelings in regards to an issue in todays society, and what would be done to fix it.
  • If you had only one wish, what would you wish for?
  • If you could tell the world just one thing, what would you say?
  • Share a dirty little secret about yourself (or someone else).
  • Name a time when you broke a rule or law. Did you get caught, or did you get away with it?
  • Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
  • Name something you would like to devote more time to seeing or doing.
  • What is the name of your favorite book, magazine, or publication?
  • Thunderstorms… Inspiring or scary?

    The HTML is kinda messed up, but idc =u=. I'm probably not gonna do any of these, but keeping it as a reference won't do me any harm.
  • Saturday, November 5, 2011

    The Most Romantic Thing

    Hi, this is my blog so I'll just pour out my fantasies here, too, ok.

    So I was thinking about possible things that would make me feel extremely loved and special, and you know that usual 'give a rose, send a message, anon or not' thing we usually have on february?

    I really wish I had one with a Captain Haddock insult attached to it, and I don't care if you go anon or not, it would make me feel really happy.
