Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Humm, my blog has been rather dark these days.

This post wouldn't help the situation because it concerns the dark path of teenage attractions. Oooooooh

But I just have to say,

That during theory class, I just had the dumbest and most awkward (though fortunately brief) feelings for this cocky, ego-centric but oddly lovable DC guy. He's only my age, a wee bit taller and there shouldn't be anything terrifically special about him - considering the things he say in class. Even though they are hilariously cheeky.

Probably the thing that contributes the most to this attraction is the fact that he knows so much about music. He's a level ahead of me in violin (I'm Grade 5 piano and he's Grade 6), and I find that... respectful??? He brags about his knowledge, and not just in music, but about academic things and general information. I'm not saying he has the right to do that, but he brags because he knows he's smart, and we could see that, too.

But he definitely knows how to be polite and can certainly treat people right if he had to.

It's an icky post because I rarely rant about the dude specimen these days, but two things I'd like to summarise from this post:

- I find people with amazing skills and knowledge in music attractive.
- I find people with a brilliant level of knowledge admirable.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Oh, wow, I never felt this terrible since year 7.

A post which has a 'Trigger-warning' potential.

I hear what you say. I respect what you say and I know where you're getting at.

No, I'm sticking to my opinions because I it is what I believe in.

No, I don't believe that women should swaddle themselves up and thoroughly cover ourselves head to toe if they don't want to, because we should be allowed to dress however we want to and it shouldn't be a problem to others.

Yes, I believe that there is such a thing as skimpy outfits and revealing tops and bottoms and it is most unfortunate that such articles of clothing stir all sorts of things in today's society.

I like you and I'm hurt if you're ever offended by what I agree with, and I never wanted to offend you or anyone out there who believe strongly that men should not rape and women should not be told what to wear. Men shouldn't rape, and they should never rape,

but we don't live in a world where everyone has their mind in their right place. Things happen, and that's sad, and we hate it. No matter how many times or how thoroughly you try to tell the world's men not to rape, there will always appear terrible cases of such assaults, and it is never the women's fault. But it wouldn't harm you to just take precautions and just keep your bodies to yourself and draw less attention to it.

Look at me, I'm so weak in my debates and I couldn't really voice my thoughts out well. Wow, if you read this you're gonna tut at my points and think how you never knew how misguided I am. I don't think I'm misguided, and I don't think you're misguided either. This is just my opinion.

Fuck (now excuse my language but I'm just in an exhausted and angry mood right now), I'm really frustrated at everything right now and I do not want to add to it by thinking it was a mistake reblogging that argument. I agree with your points - women should feel free of what to wear and men should not rape. But with that freedom comes responsibility. I'm just saying.

This post sucks I don't care I hate myself right now lol I haven't even decided if I should drop art for history. There's probably a lot of points here anyone could put up a great argument with and I won't stop them from doing so.

I like you a lot, and I'm sorry if me thinking like this made me less appealing in your eyes. ): Why am I getting all butt-hurt over this, I never knew you personally. You didn't get why I argued against this topic, or maybe you did, but you protested the same way I protested against it.

I don't know if I should say sorry. I shouldn't, because I agree with what you say - I just also agree that we still need to take care of what we do and how we show ourselves sometimes.