Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I CAN'T UPLOAD PICTURES HERE, but you know those pictures you see around? With the word 'GEE' and a hand with fingers making an 'L' shape, so it would be gLee? Yep, that's the one.

I can't ramble much here because it would be uninteresting, but I find the series interesting. Created by Ryan Murphy, the musical series is about a teacher who has hopes in reviving the 'Glee' Club and send it to the regionals.

In the beginning, there were six people on board; Finn, the quarterback and a nice and talented guy. Rachel, the female protagonist who wants to be a star in the future. Smart and independent, she has a bit of feelings for Finn. Kurt (my favourite xD ), a fashionable soprano who admitted he was gay; Artie, a geeky guitarist on wheelchairs; Mercedes, preppy and outgoing, and Tina, the bashful Asian girl.

Lol, I don't feel like putting writing powers to this. Ah, it's just nice and funny to watch. I don't care if Kurt is gay, he's interesting to me. And I suppose that's what the show is trying to stop; stereotypical views.

Finn, a quarterback, is dating Quinn, the mean cheerleader. That's one example of stereotype that the show is trying to stop by [SPOILERS] making him like Rachel back. And how the football team is too macho to dance? Kurt and Finn stopped that. A couple of guys from the team joined Glee club (including the very stubborn and homophobic Puck), and vice versa. Well, break the stereotypes. Have a quarterback defend a gay boy who is very much in love with him. Have the whole football team dance to 'Ring On It' in the middle of a game. Like what Sue Sylvester (the very sarcastic cheerleader coach who was very determined to bring down Glee) said, "Get out of your box, even if the box is only your home."

idk what I'm trying to say. Was I trying to say that glee is awesome? Or Kurt is so far my bias for now? Or stop thinking stereotypically?

Ah. This was boring. But I love glee anyway.

Bought 2 albums of their music. whee. :))

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A Little Note of Red and White

Gee, 65 years already. :)

I suppose this is one of the things I like about my country. Firstly, born in a place where there are lots of corruptions and terrorists and explosives (LPGs, daang), sometimes, the atmosphere is rather down. But Indonesia offers many things. Like its nature. Its cultures. Traditions. History. Its skies.

Wait, I'm also confused about how this connects. Well, we have all these things, and we're proud anyway to call it Indonesia's. Indonesia's nature, culture, traditions, history, and skies. Not the Dutch's. Not the Japanese's.

And we couldn't have called it Indonesia if not for our strength. We are one of those countries who managed to break out of our not-so-comfort zone, and we fought for it. We stopped being pushed around by the Dutch, and we took a stand against the Japanese, and maybe some other countries who decided, 'Hey, let's dominate that country, because I love the weather there!'

And our reply would be, 'You know what? We won't live like this. It's time to move up and say that this is our land. Our home. Not yours.' (Well, imagine there were other countries.)

So thank you Soekarno and Hatta, and the others who fought for our freedom. Like Washington to America, I see them as the fathers of our country. Rip the blue from the flag, and leave the red and white for us. This was what we wanted.


'Unity in diversity.' - Indonesian motto.

And Ramadhan Kareem!